View Full Version : Post Your Crestie Tanks Here

01-01-04, 11:06 AM

I would just like to see some of the crestie enclosures that have been made/designed.


01-02-04, 02:01 AM
I just use simple rubbermaids with egg crating and newspaper substrate. For adult groups, I also place a smaller rubbermaid filled with shredded coconut husk for a egg laying box.

I use no water bowls or food bowls. I simply spray the cages every night and when I feed babyfood or Crested Gecko Diet, I just put it in the indentations of the egg crate.


01-02-04, 02:13 AM

i turned a regular 10 gallon on its side, took out one panel and built the wood frames and stapled the wire on (thick staples). got the plant from wal mart.. supposed to be a xmas decoration and use shelf liner as substrate. pretty soft, waterproof. wood attatched to glass by silicon. cost me $12 :)

01-02-04, 02:11 PM

01-02-04, 09:08 PM
Hey RaVeNo888o, Hows your crestie doing? Can you post some updated pics of him/her?


01-02-04, 10:54 PM
hes doing well..hes in the middle of a shed at the moment.so soon as hes done i will try and get some good pics with my new digicam... i got some CGD, my local store sells it now for like $7.. i dunno if im preparing it right cause its always runny... im gonna start trying mixing it in with baby food soon as i can get to the store for some. His colours are looking pretty nice too..i will try and get those pics for you.

01-04-04, 10:53 PM
RaVeNo888o very very basic, and it works too, good job. im amazed lol


01-04-04, 11:13 PM
Hey, nice tanks, good ideas, i will have to borrow my dads digi cam to take a pic of mine. My gecko loves his setup.

01-04-04, 11:25 PM
thanks.. i essentially made this setup at the store making sure everything fit the way i liked..i got the critter keeper and then found the 2 dried vines that fit perfectly together and then got the plant that fits nicely up the middle.. he can climb into every corner on either a branch or leaf, plus he has his ground hide which he likes to sit ontop of.

01-10-04, 04:12 PM
This is my cresties tank, pretty basic. I will be getting another fake plant to put in the corner closest the window. I try to keep the floor clear cause it is easier for him to hunt, and harder for the crickets to get up in the trees.. that way I know what/ how much he ate the night before (crickets, I do feed baby food with crestie diet also)


01-10-04, 06:50 PM

Nothing to fancy :) the price was right what could I say

01-11-04, 12:21 AM
is that all for cresteds? what else do you have in there?

01-11-04, 11:08 AM
I do have 3 gargoyle geckos and a pair of banna gecks. I do have a rubermaid system like Anthony as well for the cresteds. That diplay tank is just not big enough for all the cresteds.

01-11-04, 05:20 PM
woah you have a really nice display..

01-13-04, 01:09 PM
bah. that's crap!

jk... nice set-up

01-13-04, 01:59 PM
Wow that a really cool shelf! Where did you get it/made it youre selph Walter?

01-14-04, 04:36 PM
Here's mine, this houses 1.2



01-14-04, 04:38 PM
that looks really great Wyz.. where di you buy the bamboo? I have looked around my area and haven't found anything that thick...
I feel my cage (posted on Page 3) still looks empty, and I would like more stuff to put in it.

01-14-04, 04:40 PM
We get our bamboo at Reno Depot in the summer time.

01-14-04, 04:42 PM
it figures. I'll have to check out the Reno Depot on Tascherau and see if they have any. Maybe home Depot will.. and they are closer....

01-14-04, 06:47 PM
nice display..nice picture of yourself too i can see you taking that picture..