View Full Version : few questions

12-29-03, 11:55 PM
Sahannah Monitors:

1. What are the different eye colors? Or is it just rusty gold?
2. Can monitors or any lizard be left or right handed(stronger with one arm)?
3. Do savs have teeth?
4. What common foods do they like?
5. What common food are poisonous to them?
6. Are savs tickilish?

Any answers would be extremely helpful to me for my project.
Thank you!!;)

12-30-03, 02:45 PM
Im not pro with varanids but I can tell you a few things. YES they have teeth, easily capeable of sending you to the hospital. And they eats large ammounts of rodents when older, also large quantities of insects like crickets, super worms, king worms, etc. I dont know the answers to the other Q's though.


12-30-03, 09:07 PM
Thanks, Jeff. I'll just wait for more answers.

Reptile Aaron
12-30-03, 10:49 PM

i think i have a couple anwsers. for one their eyes are ussually kind of orangish with black pupils. for having one hand that is stronger then the other isnt very common unless one of the hands are injured,and yes savs do have teeth, they like almost any insect, but it ussually depends on them, my friend has a delicy for crickets and silk worms, i have never heard of savs being tickilish but, i am not sure.


12-31-03, 09:15 AM
Hey, i can sort of answer question six. My sav goes all dopey and relaxed when u scratch/tickle her around her neck, under her chin and behind her jaws. Don't know if you can count it as ticklish cus she aint laughed yet :)
Kind reguards Will

12-31-03, 01:13 PM
What is a good dimension size cage that won't be too big?

12-31-03, 01:52 PM
Im pretty sure its an 8X3X3 or even 8X2X2.

12-31-03, 03:10 PM
I know you can keep savs in a tank that is 6 feet long by 2 wide and 2 tall..thats probably minimum. Thats for one sav

I agree with operation_ssssss...Mine also relaxes quite a bit when you pet him/her on the head..he closes his/her eyes and goes to sleep for me :) I love the lil guy

12-31-03, 03:19 PM
Hey, for question six, i have the same thing happen to my little baby savannah, so i agree with bartman and operation_ssssss.

12-31-03, 04:08 PM
Enclosure size is going to depend a lot on the sav. Some females can stay as small as 2.5' total length. Some males will top out over 4.5' TL. Obviously this makes a big difference to the amount of space they need. Also, the design of your enclosure counts. Digging opportunities and a proper thermal gradient are, in many ways, more important than absolute space. Regardless, give them as much space as you can afford to. I have just provided 8'x3'x3' to my one, with the intention of adding a mate. It is a dividable enclosure with 16" of dirt and basking boards covering about 1/3 of the area. I wish I could give them double that, but it just isn't possible. What I can give them I would consider the bare minimum. Others consider less doable and some will consider more necessary.


12-31-03, 04:52 PM
Thanks, guys.

01-16-04, 06:14 PM
Wait...are you saying that you will use an 8'x3'x3' for two monitors, or it is the minimum for one lizard?