View Full Version : Basics

12-29-03, 11:43 PM
I just wanted to see what you would consider the basics for a happy bp. i only got 4 kings (Cute as hell i might add) but want to see what bP are like. plus there is this dude interested in giving her to me, and she is in great condition. Smooth skin never has had problems (except with feeding:rolleyes: ) and has the sweetest smile when you you hold her. she ate well when i was there and had a look at her poo so i'm pretty sure she is a good find. plus i'm just plain curious.

12-29-03, 11:52 PM
I currently only own two BP's but these are the essentials in my opinion.

1. Hot spot of 90
2. Smallish cozy enclosures that hold humidity fairly well.
3. TIGHT hiding spots. Its remarkable how small of a hide they can actually get into and prefer.

Those are really the only tips that have helped me be successful in raising up my female, and now my little male. Everyone here has lots of good ideas though.


12-30-03, 12:34 AM
Originally posted by marisa
3. TIGHT hiding spots. Its remarkable how small of a hide they can actually get into and prefer.

I've got a roughly 400 gram female that fits into half of a Duncan Hines (cake mix) box. It's teeny! I keep telling myself that I need to get her a new hide made but I always find her inside of it, so I figure I will just leave it if she likes it so much.

12-30-03, 07:15 AM
make sure you have at least one hide on each side (warm and cool side). my Ball python loves to climb so if you have room try adding a branch or 2.

12-30-03, 08:34 AM
Ok for our Bps we have them in a 4ft long rubber maid like container that is about 17 in wide and about 1.5ft tall (with lid).
Well In my opinion these are the basics.

A 40 gal breeder should be fine for an adult (although bigger is better, but size of enclosure is a debated thing. Since I don't breed I like to give my snakes an enclsosure atleast the same length as their body.)

as long as it can keep the humidity up to 50-60% when NOT in shed and about 70-80% when IN shed...

a hot spot of about 90-95 degree's, cool side 80-85 degree's

2 hides, one on warm side, one on cool side. Plus if you can't keep the humidity up, a humid hide.

a water bowl large enough to soak in.

and a day time/ night time cycle

and put every new snake in quarantine until you can get a fecal ran to make sure everything is ok and that it doesn't have anything that can be transferred over to other snakes.

Usually a hatchling can eat something the size of an adult mouse, so they should have something atleast that big....my 4ft male bp is on large rats (whenever he decides to eat).
And my 2ft female will not touch a rat for anything. (which rats are supposed to be better for them)

if I missed anything, or any info is wrong I'm sure someone will correct me or fill in the spaces......

Oh, also, alot of bp's can go off feed for "no apparant reason". Right now both my bp's went off feed on the exact same day (11-25-03) before that they had not ate for 1 month 15 days.....and I believe someone on here had a bp go almost 2 years without eating.....just make sure they are a healthy weight and have plenty of fresh water.

12-30-03, 11:08 AM
I think Sapphire about covered it. My girl is on medium rats but right now will only eat once a month. Good luck with her and I hope you grow to love them as much as the rest of us lol.