View Full Version : Wood Turtle

Corey Woods
12-29-03, 11:42 PM
Here are a couple pics of my Central American Ornate Wood Turtle (Rhinoclemmys pulcherrima manni). I've had her for a couple months and I just set her up in a new enclosure. This is the basic setup that I through together tonight. I worked with turtles for about 8 years before I got into snakes. It's a real change going back to turtles from snakes!

She isn't shy that's for sure. She is 3 years old and was born with a deformed shell (she has a hump). Hopefully she'll out grow that.

<img src="http://coreywoods.com/CAOWT/CAOWT%209153.JPG">

<img src="http://coreywoods.com/CAOWT/CAOWT%209163.JPG">

<img src="http://coreywoods.com/CAOWT/CAOWT%209160.JPG">

This is her setup. I actually bought too many plants to put in with her. So, this is how it's going to be until I mess with it again (or until she knocks things over which will probably be about an hour from now..lol). You can see her in the bottom of the pic.

<img src="http://coreywoods.com/CAOWT/CAOWT%209166.JPG">

This is what it looks like in the rack with the UV lights on.

<img src="http://coreywoods.com/CAOWT/CAOWT%209168.JPG">


12-29-03, 11:54 PM
Nice setup, thats almost identical to what I had for my redfoot tort. They sure love hiding under the leaves of the plqnts dont they?


12-30-03, 12:30 AM
Congratulations Corey... one sign of a well rounded herper is the ability and desire to diversify, and work across species lines.
I think it's great you've rekindled your interest in chelonians.
All the best, and continued success for all your endeavors in 2004!


12-30-03, 12:32 AM
Hey turtles!!! Cute little girl you have there. Funny how the shells are almost a perfect circle from above.

What size tub/rubbermaid is that dude?


12-30-03, 01:00 AM
Nice set-up Corey. You did well. And of course--she's eating the plant.


12-30-03, 09:06 PM
Very nice!! But why the rack? You can't see her then. lol Must be a snake thing. 'poke' 'poke' That's one nice looking Wood. The plants are great too. What are your plans for the enclosure?

12-31-03, 06:43 AM
Very pretty little buggar! I almost snagged up a group of those myself.........lack of funding at the time hindered my aquisition ;)

Good stuff Corey, and I hope to see you with more carapaced friends in the future. Turtles and Tortoises are loads of fun to work with!


01-10-04, 10:19 PM
Adorable! I just got a little one myself and doing great. Do ya have any tips for me? I have already looked through the internet for caresheets. Is there anything info. that wouldn't be on a basic care sheet? ie. personality when they are older? She is approx. 3" and definatly afraid of me. The first time I picked her up she pee'd on me for a looonnnggg time. Are they friendlyish as adults? Thanx.

01-11-04, 09:13 AM
Looking good... does the little guy dig and re-arrange your landscaping? lol :)

I had one before and it thought it was a RES. It loved the water. Their habits and preferences can vary.

Great little fella.:)


01-11-04, 09:23 AM
Cool Corey,

Not that my ball collection will ever match yours but I started with turtles and then my second snake was a ball. Today like you I have more balls than any other species. I'm also thinking of getting a turtle again but I'm interested in box turtles or maybe a russian tort.

01-11-04, 10:53 AM
Sorry for hijacking your thread. Just didn't want to start a new one. Does anyone know what thier growth rate and life span is? I am hoping to make a long term comitment to this little guy ; )Just haven't had any luck finding it on the net.

01-11-04, 07:45 PM
Here's a caresheet for central american woods from austinsturtlepage.com. I back this site up 100% for accurate information.
