View Full Version : Electric Bill Coparison

12-29-03, 07:42 PM
I just thought I'ld post a breakdown of my electrical bill. I found that the price I'm paying for electricty is reasonable its the delevery and rider charges that are killing me. Just curious what others around the country and world are getting stuck with.

Cost of Energy 46.89
admin charges 1.84
Delivery Charge
-Variable 34.18
-Fixed 21.06
Rate Riders 26.90
local access fee 4.51
subtotal 135.38
GST 9.47
total 144.85

man the more i look at these #'s the more i get pissed off. My bills this summer were $65 cheaper.

Any way just want to see how everyone else is getting hosed. Maybe Its not as bad as I think

12-29-03, 07:46 PM

Im in edmonton and the bills are cheaper down in the big city. Up in fort macmury its alot more(ive been there). I think you get ur power carried in from further south thats why it cost so much more. Its somewhat cheaper down here, i think by about $30.

12-29-03, 07:51 PM
Electrical Charge $329.65
Municipal tax $16.48
GST $23.08
Total $369.56

12-29-03, 07:53 PM
Where are you?!?!?!?! Thats a frigen LOT!!!

Sean Day
12-29-03, 07:59 PM
My actual charge for the electricity I use is only about 45% of total bill. The rest is admin fees, delivery, dept retirment charge etc etc etc

12-29-03, 08:07 PM
<laugh> Tell me about it! I thought I was ahead when I had $35 credit on my gas bill, and then Vanan opened that puppy and my jaw dropped! Needless to say, my trip to Vancouver was CANCELLED. The bill was high b/c we didn't have a furnace installed. Using space heaters instead. Those suckers sucked a lot of electrical.

Trust me, now I turn off all the lights we're not using (excluding snake lights). I don't want another bill like that!!

Wuntu Menny
12-30-03, 12:39 AM
I don't have the breakdown handy for mine, but Its $300-$350 per month and yes, it hurts every time. One more rate increase and our collection will have to be cut in half.


12-30-03, 12:44 AM
We pay 300 dollars roughly each month. Frankly considering we have like ten fish tanks, 20 reptiles, three story house and a TV/DVD/Stereo system on each level, we aren't doing that bad. Although I do sacrifice my human lamps/lights and normally just use light coming from the reptiles for light in the house. lol

Oh and I am sure our 27 year old fridge and our 15 year old washer and dryer isn't doing much to save on the bill. LMAO


12-30-03, 01:01 AM
Ouch Marisa! Ouch! Lowell!

Do youguys have electrical heating or gas??

If I have to pay $300 for electrical every month, I'm throwing the snakes outside!

12-30-03, 01:29 AM
We have gas. Its scary I know but we really have a insane amount of electrical things going on here.

We have four computers, the entertainment equiptment I mentioned, and 3 RES + 2 Green iguanas. Those animals take 100 watt bulbs (Roxy actually neds 200 because she is too big to fit under one bulb) and all have UV tubes ranging from 1-4 feet (double on roxys cage) I also have 15 snakes or so on strip heating, geckos (which all have bulbs as well) and we also have the fish tanks I mentioned, which each tank has no less than three electrical things plugged in. Those things with four people living here, and the old *** appliances (which we are replacing at some point), well it all adds up.

So it IS a lot of money but we also have to pay for what we have! :D


12-30-03, 01:42 AM
Ok yeah, computers suck up soo much wattage! Sounds like you got a lot of lights and fish tanks no less! I've just added a few heat lamps here and there just for kicks. We'll see how it reflects on the old electrical bill!!

Do you run your computers all day long?

12-30-03, 01:44 AM

Wuntu Menny
12-31-03, 12:30 AM
We just live in an old house that was never energy efficient to begin with. Add 50 years of age and neglect and its barely suitable for human habitation let alone reptiles.

We try to minimize our own use to keep the bills down, but this time of year the furnace runs almost constantly to keep up with the heat loss. The gas to fire the furnace is cheap compared to the electricity used to run it.

I'm working on a few ideas for my herpers dream house...


12-31-03, 12:36 AM
Two of the computers are on all day. One runs our internet and server so its up 24/7 but it has no moniter. So that helps. The rest are always on but they go into "sleep" mode if no one touches them for ten minutes or so. I think they take up about a vcr clocks worth of energy in sleep mode...but that could just be hearsay.

And yeah reptiles and fish aren't good hobbys for those wanting to have cheap hydro bills! :D


12-31-03, 12:47 AM
hehe well I feel a bit better now but all those damn services charges are still pissin me off.

Gary D.
12-31-03, 06:13 PM
This just in.
Utilities bill: $123.13
Electrical portion of utilities bill: $76.00 (actual usage: 695 kWh / $38.09)
Natural Gas:$77.83

This is for my old 1.5 storey, 800sq.ft. house with 18 animals. We'll see how it compares with next month's bill since my detached snake room was completed (240V electric heat)

jim mcallister
12-31-03, 06:24 PM
Hopefully we won't see any crazy disasters with deregulation like we saw in the states last year. Can you imagine running out of electricity and having brown/black outs!!!! That could be devastating to Canadian herps........I need to save for a generator..lol.. no but really ???

01-01-04, 06:30 PM
The energy bills are getting RIDICULOUS. My gas bill went from $50 a month to $130 a month, and my electricity is around the same. *ugh* :mad:

01-01-04, 11:00 PM
damnnnnnn. Some of these bills are outrageous.
Our hydro bill last month was around $97. I'll dig out the bill and throw in the exact rates cuz it includes water/sewer as well.

01-04-04, 05:34 PM
our bill is about 250 a month less then 1/2 of it is for actual electricity. trying to get it cheaper by various methods.

01-04-04, 06:17 PM
our bill was $131 for the last 2 months.. not too bad