View Full Version : Simple genetics page!

12-29-03, 02:28 PM
I made a recessive genetics page for my web site. It's kind of a simplified version for those who just want to know how many Hets and Albinos you'll get. Check it out and let me know what you think. :)


The link is half way down on the left side..... "Genetics".

12-29-03, 02:30 PM
GENETICS!! lol...man i used to hate this subject when i was doing it...but now when it involves snakes i'm so into it...
its strange what relativity can do...lol

12-29-03, 02:31 PM
Me too! :D

12-29-03, 02:31 PM
Yep, pretty good. People will understand it.
Nice webcite by the way.

12-29-03, 03:28 PM

Have a great New Year Tim


Shane Tesser
12-29-03, 03:42 PM
Wow...very well done...the site looks great!!! :D

12-29-03, 03:50 PM
Very nicely done Tim - great intro to much needed information.

mary v.

12-29-03, 04:31 PM
Very nice and easy for all to understand.

12-29-03, 05:13 PM
Very very nice indeed!
Only I have an (IMO) easier way of doing double hets.

Say you have AaBb x AaBb
First, do Aa x Aa and you get:
1/4 AA
1/2 Ab
1/4 aa

Then do the Bb x Bb and you get the same.

Soooo you do this (multiply the respective proportions):

AA 1/4 x BB 1/4 = AABB 1/16
x Bb 1/2 = AABb 1/8 (2/16)
x bb 1/4 = AAbb 1/16

Aa 1/2 x BB 1/4 = AaBb 2/16
x Bb 1/2 = AaBb 4/16
x bb 1/4 = Aabb 2/16

aa 1/4 x BB 1/4 = aaBB 1/16
x Bb 1/2 = aaBb 2/16
x bb 1/4 = aabb 1/16

Make sense? I just find it easier than all those little squares :)

12-29-03, 05:56 PM
I like it your way better...make things easier to understand...I am not at all good with math...lol...so Zoe's way doesn't work for me at all....I like the Punnet Square a lot better...

Nice job in making simple Punnet Square out...
now all you have to do is to make one that has multiple hets...like het for 5 to 6 things at the same time...lol...try making that one out...it'll take you a long time and you'll find it quite annoying...lol~~

nicely done!

12-29-03, 06:59 PM
I usually use the method Zoe has shown. I find it alot less bulky than trying to work it through punett squares especially when multiple independantly assorting traits are involved. I find most people have an easier time visualizing the process with the squares though.