View Full Version : He's Dead

12-28-03, 11:30 PM
Well...just called home for a bit and got some news from my mom. One of the dogs (Dallop) that we had for 15 years is now dead.:(...kinda sad actually...he was bitten by a cobra near the eye last night and passed the next day b4 they could get her to medical help. This has happened in the past b4 but we've always managed to get her to the vet on time and sometimes its just the "spit" of the cobra. Guess its just bad timing and the old age that got to him. Darn.....i'll miss him.

12-28-03, 11:38 PM
Sorry to hear that... but a cobra bite?? how did that happen where is the dog?

12-28-03, 11:45 PM

12-28-03, 11:57 PM
Sorry to hear that, loosing a dog is exactly like loosing a family member.

12-28-03, 11:57 PM
where does the dog live? Cause he shouldnt run into any cobras in ontario.

Anyway sorry he died

12-29-03, 04:12 AM
My family lives in singapore..its just south of malaysia...there aren't really that many cobras there but because we live next to a water catchmen area...there are definatley more there..we see them about one every 5mths maybe?? in the drains and behind overturned bins...its a bit scary sometimes...living with them...among other venomus snakes taht visit the house like blue corals, and tree vipers...of course these are the exception...the regular ones we see are vines and wolf snakes etc. Think we are going to bury the dog in our back yard....so i when i go home i can visit the grave...

12-29-03, 04:43 AM
Sorry about your loss :(


12-29-03, 09:09 AM
Sorry to hear that buddy. :(

12-29-03, 09:23 AM
So sorry to hear about your puppy :(

Shane Tesser
12-29-03, 09:39 AM
My sympathy goes out to you and your family...such a terrible end after 15 years. I can't imagine having to worry about my animals being attacked in a manner such as your dog was...its completely foreign to me. Im sure his time with you and your family lead him to have a great life and many memories.

12-29-03, 02:21 PM
He was a great dog...every time i get home he's the first one to greet me and while i'm there..he follows me and only me, everywhere i go in the house the bath room included, even when i take baths...its so funny...he would scratch at the door until i let him in...lol...then he just lays around on the bath room floor until i'm done. Thanks for all the consolation comments guys. i really appreciate it.

12-29-03, 03:57 PM
Im so sorry to hear that. I can relate to you, my dog died at age four, from bone cancer, i was only 7. It was heartbreaking. Anyways, my sympathy to you.

Scales Zoo
12-29-03, 04:20 PM
Sorry to hear about your dog - I've never had a dog for more than 5 years, but losing one after that time is tough enough.

I'm also sorry to hear your dog was bit by a snake. At first I was confused about how a dog would get bit by a cobra in Canada, I'm glad you cleared that up.

12-29-03, 07:57 PM
Sorry about the dog...I just lost a dog to old age and it was a hard time for family so I know it is a tough go....it sounds as though it had a good life and was loved.

12-29-03, 11:26 PM
That sucks, I hope he didn't suffer. You can't replace a family member.

12-30-03, 12:13 AM
I feel for you! I lost my 14 year old pointer 6 months ago and I still grieve. We got her when I was 5 years old, and I hardly remember a time without her. She was 'my' dog, even though she was a family pet.

At least in my case she died in her sleep, and we knew she was going. I can't imagine if it'd been sudden like that. :(

Great hunter, great pet. I miss her tons.

<img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/512/133star_xmas.jpg">

<img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/512/133star_catch.jpg">

01-01-04, 07:26 PM
Sorry to hear about your loss. :(

01-01-04, 10:18 PM
Sorry for your loss.

Scotty & Les

01-02-04, 11:37 AM
Sorry to hear about your loss...