View Full Version : Anyone out there who has a adult Spectacled Caiman..?

12-28-03, 01:13 AM
Hi all

I have seen lots of people posting pics of babies we were just wondering if anyone here has an adult.? If so can you post a pic of him/her we want to see what an adult looks like..



12-28-03, 03:28 AM
Here is a pic of a 4' speciman of mine in a holding cage while I cleaned the pond out back. It's always fun to pull her out of that..


12-28-03, 03:51 AM
Here is a picture of when I first got her.

12-28-03, 04:00 AM
WOW!!! what a beauty. I hope for your sake you have help when your tending to her. :)

Are those legal to keep in Oklahoma? just curious

12-28-03, 11:42 AM
Thats a nice looking caiman. So far that is the biggest one we have seen.

Scotty & Les

12-28-03, 09:37 PM
Are those legal to keep in Oklahoma?

In a stately sense all crocodilians except American alligators are legal to have. American alligators are an endangered animal in the state of Oklahoma and need a permit to keep, such as a State Wildlife Permit (Which I have) or a Protected Species Permit.
Now with spectacle caimans and the whole ESA ordeal, Specs have to have an import/export documents and you can get introble if you can not provide the documents, in any state or country.

12-28-03, 11:03 PM
Its actually rather shocking to condsider the thousands of caimen that enter the pet trade every year, yet there are virtually no adults to be found.
99.9 percent of them end up down the toilet or in
a landfill...
It's something to ponder