View Full Version : Panther breeders?

12-27-03, 03:55 PM
Hello, i am in ottawa and am looking for a panther chameleon. I am on a waiting list with a local breeder, but i just read they incubate for 6-12 months, and he doesn't even have the eggs yet. Can anyone recommend a breeder to me? Keep in mind it is cold, so shipping might not be an option. Thanks alot


12-27-03, 06:35 PM
ya connie, go to the reptile show in Feb, and shes got a gret secltion of panthers, and there around 150-200, i got myne from her and there great, nd i beleive she just sells them at the show


12-27-03, 10:29 PM
i just drove down and back in the same day for the last show. It was a LONG day, and the huge traffic jam on the way home didn't help. I don't think my gf will let me take her car to T.O again any time soon. Where does this breeder live?


12-27-03, 10:32 PM
Connie doesn't sell to hobbiests normally; only at shows.


12-28-03, 10:49 AM
Hmmmm then im not to sure then, PM dank7oo he lives in Ottawa see if he knows any


12-28-03, 01:38 PM
:) hey
I actually am stumped!!
There is a locale petstore that has a nosy be in right now, but its at 350 :(
Your best bet is to try to take the trip to the upcomming show and see Connie .. her animals are amazing!!


12-28-03, 02:57 PM
check out some pet shops such *** Portcredit or reptilia they usually have some and they are the best pet store i have seen, lol. the reptile show there will be some ... thats about it unless u know some people

12-29-03, 01:13 PM
Ya your best bet is really at the show, cause portcredit i believe is up at missagua as well, the next show i believe is in Feb see if you cant make it


01-02-04, 07:50 PM

They might or might not have some Panthers. But I don't know where they are located either.