View Full Version : Ferret pics*

12-27-03, 12:01 PM
Just wanted to share some quick pics I took of my ferrets, Storm and Ice. Well, here they are...





I've gotta say that it's impossible to get these two to stay still for a picture! :D

12-27-03, 12:37 PM
AWW! I love that first pic... too cute!

12-27-03, 12:45 PM
hahaha ferrets never stay still unless they are sleeping!! i just got myself another one a week ago, looks like your Ice...an albino ....named him Gandalf the White...lol

12-27-03, 01:11 PM
cute little guys, i want a couple but won't get them for a little while due to time constraints

12-27-03, 01:40 PM
Nice Pics man....and trust me i've met these little guys in person and they are the sweetest ferrets you'll ever meet. they are bigger than they look in the pictures though lol...

Hey man i'll have to come by and bug you at work soon ^_^ My job is too boring..

Have a good new years!


12-27-03, 02:51 PM
Mmmmmm, snake food!

12-27-03, 05:02 PM
I really miss my 3 ferrets i had when i was younger!!! They are so great, full of mischeif!!!

12-27-03, 08:31 PM
Hey Ciddian, drop by work as it's not the same without ya. I'm glad everyone liked the pics. I think LadyHawke is right, the only time I'm gonna get them to stay still is when they're sleeping, but that's okay. I will post some pics of my prairie dog named Ernie when I get a chance.

Thanks everyone!


12-27-03, 08:34 PM
I love prairie dogs! Are they hard to take care of? What are they like compared to a rat or mice?


12-27-03, 09:10 PM
What adorable pictures!! I love the first one. Looks like they are always being mischevious.

I love them! Your brave for sharing rodent pics in a snake forum, LOL.


12-27-03, 09:13 PM
Well, if one keeps in mind that prairie dogs are not really a domesticated species but rather one that is possible to tame, the first step is already made. Now, compared to rats or mice, pd's require much more space and attention in order to remain healthy and friendly. I am still in the process of taming my pd, but he is making progress everyday. From what I hear, getting a young prairie dog will increase your chances of bonding with the animal. As well, it is crucial that you have a prairie dog spayed/neutered as it keeps them from going into social breeding behaviour otherwise known as a "rut". During this time an intact pd can become aggressive so altering the animal makes them more pet worthy in my opinion. Other than that, it's just like any animal, they need your devotion and care. Here's a couple pics of my Ernie...



12-28-03, 07:05 PM
My friend runs a ferret rescue out of her apartment. I never really cared for them until I saw all 20 of hers! They are really clever little animals.
I especially like the first picture...too cute!

12-28-03, 07:43 PM
i have a prairie dog...been bit by them too.....took weeks to heal and months to totally recover from one bite!! even after the scab was gone the nerves still hurt. my boyfriend just got bit Christmas eve....latched right on, but he reacted badly by flinging the PD...so it ended up tearing the wound. seems to be about this time of year...had this problem last year. gonna get him fixed ASAP!! and cross my fingers that helps. here's a pic of my Skippy....still not sure wether its a male or female...couldnt be bothered to check

12-28-03, 08:27 PM
Great pictures everyone, I especially like the first ferret one! Far too cute.

12-28-03, 10:56 PM
LOL they look so similar to my friends' pair! What's the attitude like on yours?

12-28-03, 11:59 PM
Ernie's attitude is best described as "touch and go", not only the common meaning that he changes from time to time but also a literal meaning applies as I often try to pet him in his cage and I must "go" if I don't want to get nipped. :eek:
I have been working with one winter glove on as it helps to get him out of the cage, then he usually calms down a bit. It's hard to tell whether or not he's gonna bite sometimes as it is natural for prairie dogs to greet one another with their mouths. Well, the efforts continue and the goal is to have a friendly companion who will not be nervous around me.

12-29-03, 12:06 AM
Oops... I should've specified... my reply and question was in repsonse to the ferrets :o

12-29-03, 12:14 AM
I was holding my 6ft red-tail,but now he's tring to constrict the computer!LOL

Nice Pics,i used to have a ferret but my 5ft bullsnake escaped his cage then a week later i found him in the ferret cage with a big lump in his mid body.LOL

12-29-03, 12:37 AM
Linds: Woops, sorry about that. My ferrets are absolutely fabulous as far as temperment is concerned. They are just like puppies, but also like puppies that they are a little overzealous with the "play nipping" but it doesn't hurt and most ferrets do this because of their natural rough play with one another. However, if they are playing and they accidentally nip me too hard, I just give a firm "No!" and they quickly learn that rough play is not acceptable with the "big ferret"..heheh.

12-29-03, 01:40 PM
I want a ferret but no-where around here are they sold. Great pics i live like right down the street from one of the biggest prarie dog colonies in texas their everywhere. WHats even sadder is that a highway runs right through their colony so theres dead one all over the road every day.

01-01-04, 07:23 PM
Awww, I love ferrets, yours are so cute! I used to have a Sable Ferret, she was fairly feisty, but, most of the time she only nipped me and never drew blood. She was awesome, but STINKY! I didn't have the money to get her descented. The cutest thing that I ever saw was Bandit (my ferret) curled up against the corner of her cage, and my roommate's cat Hobbes snuggled up right beside her as close as he could get. *L*