View Full Version : Drippers?

12-27-03, 11:09 AM
Hey all question for you.... (mods if this is the wrong place to post please move it for me.)
I was wondering if anyone has made a home made dripper for their herps? If they have could you let me know how and what I would need? I have a general idea but would like to know for sure.
Thanks in advance,

12-27-03, 11:32 AM
only one I ever made was a soda bottle with a pin hole burned in the bottom. Would 3/4 fill it with water then freeze it, after would set it on the enclosure and and it would slowly drip as it thawed

12-27-03, 11:34 AM
oh mustn't forget to crack open the top or it will not drip.

12-27-03, 11:56 AM
Has anyone ever heard of doing it with a margerine(sp?) tub and some tubing?
Thanks Rev Ill give that a try.

Wuntu Menny
12-27-03, 12:01 PM
The old pail with a pinhole has worked for years in my herp room. If you want to get fancy you can use a gravity or pump operated system with a horticultural drip emitter. You can pick them up for pocket change at your local hydroponic supplier. Most allow for drip rate adjustments and last almost forever.


12-27-03, 12:22 PM
Why bother? you can buy one complete with Tank, Valve, Gaskets, Hose and a sample of water conditioner for $12.00CD Available at most herp related pet stores,


12-27-03, 12:49 PM
Well because the herp store is really far away :) and I thought why spend 12 bucks when I can make one for free :) I have 4 kids and a million reptiles to pay for I need to save where I can LOL
Ok so basically just a pop bottle or a bucket with a hole in it?

beth wallbank
12-27-03, 01:05 PM
i use an aquarium air hose adapter that has the valve on it. i poke a small hole about 1/4" from the bottom on the side of a deli cup and carefully squeeze the valve into the deli. I use an aquarium silicone just to seal around the valve, and voila, mine have all worked for years. You can use the valve too for water drip speed which works out well. Good luck.

12-27-03, 01:39 PM
LOL anyone have ay pics of them? Maybe yopu have one Beth that sounds like what i am looking for.

beth wallbank
12-27-03, 02:02 PM
Email me Kim and I will take some pics for you.

12-27-03, 04:18 PM
Thanks alot Beth

12-28-03, 12:43 AM
I took a large yogurt container and poked holes on the top. I then fill it 3/4 with water and put it in the freezer. It drips pretty slow but you'd need to refill it every day.