12-27-03, 01:49 AM
Hey everybody!
Well i have a few stupid questions on these worms:
Does anybody feed these to savanah monitors?
Reason of question:
I am interested in giving my lil guy i very varied diet. Since the butterworms are high in calcium i think it would be a plus to his diet. Also, the silkworms and hornworms provide good nutrition and seem to be a great source of nutrients for other herps.
Can you breed butterworms in Canada?
Reason of question:
I have read that they are I______(some word, starts with an I, sorry i forgot it) to get rid of the parasites when they are exported from Chile and this prevents them from becoming cocoons. I am wondering if you can get some that are breedable?
Can you, and how do you breed (tobacco)hornworms?
Reason of question:
I havent found much info on care for them and nothing even close to breeding though I have seen some when i was in the US and i have seen the "hawk moths" and i know they are big but can you breed them in captivity and if so how?
Thanks to all who reply!
Well i have a few stupid questions on these worms:
Does anybody feed these to savanah monitors?
Reason of question:
I am interested in giving my lil guy i very varied diet. Since the butterworms are high in calcium i think it would be a plus to his diet. Also, the silkworms and hornworms provide good nutrition and seem to be a great source of nutrients for other herps.
Can you breed butterworms in Canada?
Reason of question:
I have read that they are I______(some word, starts with an I, sorry i forgot it) to get rid of the parasites when they are exported from Chile and this prevents them from becoming cocoons. I am wondering if you can get some that are breedable?
Can you, and how do you breed (tobacco)hornworms?
Reason of question:
I havent found much info on care for them and nothing even close to breeding though I have seen some when i was in the US and i have seen the "hawk moths" and i know they are big but can you breed them in captivity and if so how?
Thanks to all who reply!