View Full Version : Tanzania Spiny Tail lizard

12-25-03, 08:34 PM
does anyone have any info or any pics of Tanzania Spiny Tail lizards?

Tim and Julie B
12-26-03, 01:43 AM
You'd probably get more photos going a search engine like Yahoo and typing in the latin name uromastyx maliensis. Just a thought:D


12-26-03, 11:24 AM
i dont think there the same as mali uros because theres a sight thats selling them for $9 and there selling mali uros for $25 so yea..... thanks any ways. John

12-26-03, 01:48 PM
I ran a quick search through google and from what I gather they are, or are closely related to armadillo lizards. They are in the Cordylus complex, but I didn't find the subspecies. Hope that helps some.

Tim and Julie B
12-27-03, 02:24 PM
Oops sorry about that. I was doing two things at once and ended up putting the wrong thing down. Linds got it though. Cordylus tropidosternum. I gotta re-read my posts more often!:D


12-28-03, 11:33 AM
thanks linds