View Full Version : marble gecko isnt eating!!!!HELP!

Reptiles Galore
12-24-03, 07:40 PM
Hi everybody!

I have had my marble gecko for about 3 days and she hasent been eating! i have gave her some crickets, and i tried 2 kings meal worms, i think she ate one meal worm, so if you have any suggestions send me a reply THANX


12-24-03, 08:08 PM
your gecko might just need time to adjust to a new environment

Tim and Julie B
12-24-03, 09:52 PM
Neo is right. When reptiles are stressed it can take a while for them to begin eating. Also, king worms are not appropriate, just stick to crickets:D


Reptiles Galore
12-25-03, 07:55 PM

D Healey
12-25-03, 09:11 PM
I had a couple marble geckos before and they were very keen on bannans.