View Full Version : Chicka bow wow...

12-24-03, 01:54 PM
Allow me to set the scene:
"Hello, Ma'am, I'm here with your weekly delivery of rats from the grocery store".
"Hold on one second, I'll be right there!"
"Come in, you can put those in the freezer, and I'll give you a tip".
"Oh, Ma'am, a tip isn't necessary, it's all part of my job..."
"No, I insist you deserve something...."

12-24-03, 02:06 PM
LOL Good intro, Mykee.

And quite a tip he received! :D Good luck with those pastels.

12-24-03, 02:06 PM
LMFAO Scripted Ball Porn! Gotta love it!


12-24-03, 02:15 PM
LOL... your narrative (and the post title) made my day. :D

12-24-03, 02:15 PM
LOL, great title for the thread. Best of luck!!!!


12-24-03, 03:31 PM
Man, delivery men get all the tail!!!!!!:D

12-24-03, 03:56 PM
Right on! :D

12-24-03, 04:01 PM
LOL! With a title like that I had to read it.
Good luck with them! :D

12-24-03, 06:38 PM
You missed your true calling Mykee! I'm thinking something in directing would have been right up your alley!
Congrats on the breeding. I'm starting to think the male I borrowed is gay.(not that there is anything wrong with that.)

12-24-03, 07:04 PM
Trevor, I never said I don't moonlight in the evenings.....

12-24-03, 08:07 PM
LMAO mykee good luck with them they look great bye the way ;)

12-24-03, 08:14 PM
Too funny! Sp tell me does Willow eat everything and anything?

12-24-03, 09:09 PM
Trevor; if given the opportunity, Willow would eat her own leg if she knew how to open the bottle of ketchup. How's Louie doing? I'm guessing he's going to be spoiled, first Christmas and all with you...
Willow's going to end up with more gifts then Tania and myself put together. Spoiled rotten little weiner.

12-24-03, 10:02 PM
Spoiled rotten little weiner.
Well there are only two humans in my house but 4 christmas stockings.
Louie is good but like you mentioned with regards to Willow he is totally driven by his stomach. Up till now he has had about 4 incidents involving food. Those I can live with because each and every one was our fault. We did not take his previouse owners warning seriously enough. On the 22nd however, he did something he has never done before and that was to destroy something none food related. My wife and I went shopping and he got into our bag and chewed two brand new dvd's. The cases were destroyed but luckily the disc were fine.
Other than that he is a prince. When the day comes that the Golden passes on I'll be getting another chocolate for sure.

12-25-03, 02:10 AM
Glad to hear everythings alright with him. Willow has this new thing where she eats the Mazuri out of the rat bins. She's done it twice now, and I've spent two FULL nights wiping up her 'trots'. You think the bag of Mazuri smells bad in the bag? Wait a few hours until it goes through the digestive system of a lab.

As a sidenote, I apologize to anyone who really could care less about the contents of my dogs colon. Merry Christmas to all.

12-25-03, 10:09 AM

12-25-03, 12:26 PM
LOL -- great stuff man, that's a killer looking pastel you've got there! :D Best of luck....