View Full Version : MDB ahhhh (sorry long)

12-24-03, 12:14 AM
I was in a Mall today and thought lets go into this pet store and see if they have some cool accesiories i can buy... well i see one reptile set up and what do you know its a little veiled. $119

When i finnaly found her I was shocked, the worst case of MDB i have ever seen. she was lieing there like she couldent move and u could see the personality flowing out of her poor eyes. I got the manager and showed him "I checked her yesterday and she looked fine he replied" bah lol like it happens in a day. then he perceeds to pick her up by reacing down and grabbing her and in the process breakes her arm.... I couldent take it with my girl dieing the other and and I just started to cry right there in the store. My boyfriend then joined me in the store and freeked out as well, lol what a seen. the manager then replied "ill have to get her some medication" omg it was unbarrible.

Where can i report this crap?

How does this happen with all the info now, and this wasent a case of a slightly rubberie cask. ahhh.

I have seen some bad stuff b4 but this was bad.

Some time i can beleave that when I try soo hard to give the best care i can and a cham still dies, and then this poor girl in the store will hold on with all her might and live through that.

I am soo mad at that poo hole.

12-24-03, 12:20 AM
OMG, thats horrific! I don't know what I would have done. I don't know where you can report it, but I HOPE that someone can help you out!

12-24-03, 12:24 AM
local spca, or humane society. a vet could probably give you a phone #.

12-24-03, 12:27 AM
I would have immediatly freaked out, insisted they give me the chameleon for no charge to take to a vet or insist they call a vet right there or threaten if they do not, you will be reporting them to not only their head office, but the SPCA, and immediatly going to the Mall's managment office.


12-24-03, 12:34 AM
This girl is soo bad i think the only good thing for her would to be put out of her missiry. poor thing. I wish this store was a chain I would know exacly what to do but it is a samller type store I have only seen fish in there b4 thats why i wasent affraid to go in. stupid me. Ill be on the phone first thing in the morning. I wish i made sence when im angry but i just get emotional and my brain turns to mush Ill get my boyfriend to call. Im still in shock

12-24-03, 12:48 AM
Remember, if its in a mall, mall managment is a very good idea for a place to contact.

Inform them of what you saw, the condition of the animal then tell them the store employee was so uneducated about them he actually broke its arm in front of mall shoppers (you and whoever else) and you can't believe you had to witness this at the mall. Mall stores can be fined for certain things, although this doubtfully falls under that, mall managment would probably be a good idea.


12-26-03, 11:06 PM
I would have Punched him in the face and walked out with the chameleon. Thats Bullshit. I hate hearing stuff like that. It drives me nuts!!! Contact the local Humane society and the mall management. If you can get a local reptile club backing you, then take that to the mall management, it's better than 1 lone voice. Just do something, tell everyone you meet not to go there. What was the name of the store? If you want I'll call the store and local SPCA. Just don't let your experience go unheard!

What was the name of the store so I never shop there again?

12-26-03, 11:18 PM
Yes, what was the name of the store??? That's horrific. I hate that people with all the brain capacity of a sack of sh*t can manage to get their grimy paws on innocent creatures.

12-26-03, 11:45 PM
Thats horrible. Poor little guy. You should mabye try and teach them how to prevent that. (if they'll listen to you..)

gfisher, suntiger, I don't think we're allowed to mention the exact name of a place, as we're liable to get charged for slander. I believe collide could give some obvious clues, however. (At least I think thats how it works...)
Thats awful.. It just sucks when you find stuff like that happening in the petstores.

12-27-03, 01:03 AM
I tryed to tell the guy he said he knows what it is and he was suplementing her ect... I called the mall both on the 24th and 26th but they said they wanted me too call back when the holidays were over.... nice they were tooooooo busy and said sorry...omg. I did call the local humain socity and they said they would look into it, they told me not to worry and they would check it out lol i asked if they could keep me informed they said they would look into to it but dident have the time to get back... I went back too the store and she was gone another little anole in her place...some staff that were not there and had no clue what i was talking about... soo bah yea Im not impressed ahhh, bah. Well thats it I guess.

Wuntu Menny
12-27-03, 10:49 AM
I must say, that's one of the worst examples I've heard in a while. It really makes one wonder if carrying a concealed camera more often wouldn't be a good idea...?

I had a similar experience at a store in Calgary a few years ago. Actually, its the same store I ranted about just recently (funny how some things never change). They had a tank containing some juvie veileds that were in horrible shape from malnutrition. The worst one was hanging upside down by the only two functional limbs it had left. One forleg was actually atrophied to what looked like bone. It was held stiffly to one side and was pure white (no, it wasn't a retained shed either).

As usual, my suggestions to the owner fell on deaf ears and no attempt was made to correct the problem. These chams were so far gone that euthanasia was the only realistic option. Like a naive fool, I felt a call to the Humane Society would straighten the situation right out.

Oh, they went to the store for a visit alright. They saw the problem and were informed that it was ok because these animals were going to be sent home with an employee and not left on display. That explanation seemed to suffice as the issue was dropped and the case closed. This was a clear case of ignorance/negligence as the chameleons would never have been purchased in that condition. I'm sure none of them made it throught he following week.

Well, as long as the Humane Society is satisfied I guess I have no reason to be upset, do I?


12-27-03, 11:42 AM
That's crap. But the hidden camera......'me smiles' that's a good idea. My local pet super store here named ***land that sells pets (you put it together) should be shut down. They breed there own chams and snakes. I know alot of people whos animals have died after a week or two and took them back for another. The breed veiled's and sell off the clutch at 1 to 2 weeks old. Probably half don't make it. Anything for a buck. Plus there brain-dead staff tried selling me a reptiglow 2.0 bulb for my cham when they were out of reptisun 5.0's. I tried to explain to the 16 year old kid that a reptiglow 2.0 is far from providing sufficiant UVB for a chameleon. He said I was wrong. The idiot. So I complained to management and to the spca about the conditions most there reptiles are kept in and about water dragons being sold telling the buyer "they only get about 15 or 16 inches long, this 20 gallon tank will last forever" and "chameleons only eat mealworms, you don't need to feed them crickets" and "your bearded dragon should eat this commercial breaded dragon food pellets nothing else". Of course most of the wanna-be--a-vet-students that work at our SPCA know didily scwat about herps and don't even understand what I mean when I tell them they sell chameleons with reptiglow 2.0 bulbs when powersuns and reptisun 5.0's are sitting right there.

Stupidity is not a handicap so I have no pitty for these beligerant fools. What a world we live in.

12-30-03, 10:35 AM
That's horrible. The pet store by my house is housing a sub-adult male veiled in probably a 1.5 ft by 1.5 ft plexiglass cage. But apparently they ran out of room to put reptiles in because they had a fairly large critter keeper INSIDE the veiled's cage with some sort of skink in it..... what the hell is the matter with these people?

12-30-03, 10:46 AM
I know what I would have done, but if I did, I wouln't be here posting a reply. ;-)
nothing better than giving back what the others give.

Can just imagine breaking his arm and offering him a tylenol.