View Full Version : Update on red leg

12-23-03, 09:30 PM
HEY everyone,
after norrowly missing my appoitment at brittianna
animal hospital I learned that both my frogs have red leg one not as bad as the other and the are currently recieving oral and rub on medication the vet says that they havea pretty good chance of survival as longas i follow the medication scedual
hoping for the best
just wanted to share the good news

12-24-03, 01:40 AM
I hope that they come out ok. Update us on their progress.

12-24-03, 04:38 PM
well the cream medication seems to be doing fine they've calmed down and its easyer to hold them the oral medication is driving me insane the vet told me to soak the criket in the medication and then feed it to the frogs right away but the stuff just rolls off there shells and they won;t eat:( hopefully when they get hungryer they will eat them but i have noticed the rednesss has gone down a bit so at least the creams helping.

12-25-03, 09:47 PM
still having alot of trouble with oral medicine does anyone know any tricks to make your frog open its mouth long enough to squirt the medicine down its throat without hurting them? reddness is getting better still not totally down if not better by weekend will call vet again

12-26-03, 12:18 AM
try earswabs to open the mouth, im no amphib. keeper, but it works w/ my snakes

12-31-03, 05:30 PM
ok thx its cleared up alot my one jubjub is completly better and ponchos is has cleared up alot