View Full Version : Holy Cow! Can you believe...

12-23-03, 11:35 AM
The number of closed threads that are popping up lately?

What is with these people bashing other members and generally posting bad and rude threads!!

C'mon guys!! It's CHRISTMAS TIME!!!

Spread some CHEER!!! :D :D :D

12-23-03, 11:43 AM
BAH Humbug!

12-23-03, 11:45 AM
LOL you should have seen it when the BOI was here and ppl could respond to it, lol that was nasty ;)

12-23-03, 11:47 AM
Seems to happen all at once alot of jelous people in canada.

12-23-03, 11:54 AM
There are too many people trying to make a living at this hobby. They are all fighting for a piece of a very small pie.
I've always found that the best people to deal with are the ones that do this as a hobby and have some other type of day job. These people have less to lose and therefore take things a little less seriousely making them less likely to be the cut throat type.

12-23-03, 11:57 AM
From a feeder point of view...who gives a Rat's ***......lol......Merry Xmas

Tim and Julie B
12-23-03, 01:37 PM
Jealous people in Canada? What does that have to do with it? People from all around the world come here every day. The problem is people who can't take/give critism well. I agree that we should tone it down though. You also have to take into consideration the wide range of ages, the amount of experience from one member to another, and the simple fact that we can't agree all of the time. All in all this site is better than any other and will remain the favorite of many members:D So the occassional closed thread is normal, and expected, on such a huge member base.


12-23-03, 02:29 PM
Actually Sunrunner, I was here, and I did reply pon Boi's thread.. I was actually the one who sent a 'report' to the mods, because it was getting out of hand...although I am sure others did it also...

12-23-03, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by BoidKeeper
BAH Humbug!

Hahahahaha great................

I haven't notice. Probably because I don't come here as much as I used to! Just be nice you guys. We don't want to turn into another kingsnake .com do we?

12-23-03, 02:55 PM
I haven't noticed it either...

Either way, i do agree with the fact that some people do take things way too seriously sometimes, chill out everyone...

12-23-03, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by Dark_Angel_25
I did reply pon Boi's thread..
BOI is an acronym for Board Of Inquiry, not a member on this forum.