View Full Version : red ear slider.. setup ??

12-23-03, 10:06 AM
Hi guys, I'm not a turtle guy AT ALL :(

But I'm selling a 10 gallon tank to a friend who wants to put one of these turtles in and I'd like to give him the proper info on how to properly keep this kind of turtle.

Can you give me a quick care and setup idea.

Water temp ?
basking spot ?
prefered food ?



12-23-03, 11:05 AM
Not experienced with sliders, but I believe a ten gallon is too small, even a bit small for hatchlings... someone correct me if I'm wrong :confused:

12-23-03, 11:30 AM
I would say nothing smaller than a 15 for a baby, but they do grow pretty big... as for diet, I really couldn't say.. had one a long time ago and fed it the standard pellet food, and some veggies.. once and awhileit would get hamburger meat (raw) which it loved.. bugs too... but you should run a search on slider care to get better info...

12-23-03, 02:35 PM
forgot to say.

It's a baby turtle and he will get a bigger tank later, but I is going to start with the 10 gallon.

Still waiting for some info,



12-23-03, 02:38 PM
well the water temp I am not sure about, I had a submersible fish tank heater, I would say the water was tepid, cool to the touch not warm... for a 10 gal. not sure what setting, would have to be trial and error...

Basking spot, I use a lamp at the level of the top of tha tank (for 10 gal. I would think it should be no more than a 60watt) as for the diet, short of what I mentioned above I can't help you much more than that...

Sorry Wyz!!

12-23-03, 03:35 PM
I usually keep my RES around 75-78 degrees

get a UV basking lamp and feed pellets, veggies, I also feed worms or crickets every now and then as a treat

it's cool to watch, but don't let the turtle get hooked on feeder fish either

a good filter or very frequent water changes is also a neccessity

you can make a very basic setup for a baby turtle though

get a screen cover (or none) for the lid, the UV lamp, submersible heater, and just stack some rocks up so that he can get out of the water to get under his lamp, and then the filter