View Full Version : A couple Ball pics

Corey Woods
12-21-03, 10:31 PM
You guys are probably getting sick of seeing him but I couldn't resist as he just shed!

<img src="http://coreywoods.com/PastelOrangeGhost/POGP&BS9041.JPG">

My Super Pastel breeding a weird looking female. I produced 3.3 normal looking offspring from this female back in 2001. I kept back 1.3 and sold the other 2 males into the pet trade. Well, stupid me wasn't thinking at the time and the male I kept back is too small to breed (going off food for 6 months will do that to you!). So, after seeing no luck with her son in their with her I've thrown in my Super Pastel. Just means another year or so to prove (or disprove) her.

<img src="http://coreywoods.com/SuperPastel/SuperPastelxCinnamonStripe8996.JPG">

<img src="http://coreywoods.com/SuperPastel/SuperPastelxCinnamonStripe8999.JPG">

<img src="http://coreywoods.com/SuperPastel/SuperPastelxCinnamonStripe8998.JPG">


12-21-03, 10:52 PM
That Pastel Ghost ROCKS!!!! :D

Tortoise man
12-21-03, 11:07 PM
Wow Those are awsome looking snakes Corey. I have Finally talked my wife into havin a couple and I look foward to doing business with you
(Vince From Brampton):)

12-21-03, 11:22 PM
Never gets sickening to see these gorgeous balls, keep the pics coming Corey....

12-21-03, 11:30 PM
holy shyza..Post as many pics as you want, how can you get sick of those!! :D

12-21-03, 11:30 PM
Beautiful specimens, Corey! I love them all!! Was that female an import? Good luck with her. (And everyone else) :)

12-22-03, 12:19 AM
Wow Corey! You have some GORGEOUS BP's! I especially love that Super Pastel! Good luck with your breeding project! :)

12-22-03, 08:06 AM
Man, the Pastel Orange Ghost is growing fast!..........and looking pretty good too!

Very nice Corey, I am looking forward to seeing you post some hatching pics later on this season ;)


12-22-03, 02:13 PM
those are some beautiful snakes man . good luck with the breeding .. :)

Corey Woods
12-22-03, 06:01 PM
Thanks for the kind words everyone. The weird looking female was an import in 1998. I got her when she was about 3 months old. She alomst died from an RI infection but I cleared that up years ago (cooked her at 120F for 4 months). She also went off food for about a year at one time too. But, now she's into the swing of things and doing great.


12-22-03, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by Corey Woods
But, now she's into the swing of things and doing great.


Great to hear! She's a success story. Good luck again and again! :D

12-22-03, 09:12 PM
Great looking Pastel Ghost!!!:D

12-23-03, 12:23 AM
Sweet pics, my brain hurts now...

12-23-03, 05:26 PM
Corey, You've got some real sweet BPs. Good work and good luck.

12-24-03, 12:09 PM
Wow! Those are some sweet pastels! I like the female too, she is definately different. Hope she proves out for you.

12-24-03, 02:05 PM
Corey, I hope that someday I have the kinda money it takes to do business with you! hehehe... I love that dark female... that's like a, uber-reduced pattern-hypermelanistic kinda snake. GORGEOUS though!

12-24-03, 07:58 PM

Great stuff! I don't think I will ever get sick of seeing that Pastel Ghost. Hopefully you'll produce a Super Pastel Ghost this year.


12-24-03, 08:47 PM
That wierd female is great Corey. Best of luck this year.