View Full Version : holy cr@p

12-21-03, 03:51 PM
I used to have my two mali's together in the same tank..They were together for about a month but whenever food was put in the tank, even in multiple bowls, they would start fighting. I decided to split them up. Just today i tried, maybe, re-introducing them after about 4 months apart. What i suspect to be the female flattened out turn her body almost completely sideways and lunged forward tons of times to try and snag him..My smaller guy, who i also suspect to be male, jetted into one of her hides so i just took him out and let them be. PHEWW what a battle these two put on. My reason for suspecting the sex is because when they were together the "male" would go on top of the other ones back and slowly move down, and bight "her" in the base of the tail. I figured they were maybe breeding but their wayy to young. Would this be something good to suspect or this just how two males or aggressive females would fight?? Do any of you think they'll ever be able to get together?

12-21-03, 03:53 PM
They used to sleep on eachother and share the same hides. Now they wanna kill eachother! I just dont get it

Wuntu Menny
12-21-03, 09:56 PM
It sounds more like socially dominant behaviour than courtship displays. What are the chances of both of them being male?


12-21-03, 10:14 PM
high i guess...my guess on sex was just a guess like i stated. I hope their not both males. I wanted to house them together :(

12-22-03, 08:01 AM
From what I understand, most Uromastyx species don't like being housed together most of the time. I don't have much Uro keeping experience outside of the Ornates, however, and they are also labeled as one of the most laid back Uro species.

If I encountered a situation similar to what you are describing, I would play around with the cage set up and see if that changed anything. You could try offering multiple everything - ie: hides, basking spots, food dishes, etc. and see what happens.

Best wishes,

12-22-03, 02:56 PM
When i had them together i had two hot spots and multiple hides but they didnt even explore the tank together before they attacked. What i think im gonna try again, not for a while, is take the "female" out of the cage re-arrange everything, add new stuff, make two water holes, etc...and introduce them to the new environment together..ill make it seem that it as no ones home to start with. That was my thought, that the female felt like she was being intruded(sp) on her territory..
