View Full Version : Rediculous prices! im gonna start breeding!

12-20-03, 02:03 PM
Apparently.... according to my local feeder supplier, the local council are cracking down on breeding rodents for food!
I usually pay 35-45p depending where i go. They say the price of a frozen fuzzy/furry could go up to as much as £1.30 EACH thats $3ca!.
Well, i nearly peed my pants when i heard!! :eek:
They've had to start "rationing" them out, you are only aloud to buy 4 per customer.
Well at least its an excuse to have more rats!!

Whats the highest price you've found?

12-20-03, 04:57 PM
$6.99 here in Washington (US) I was gonna buy a new male breeder since mine is looking pretty sickly.

12-20-03, 05:31 PM
I'm selling frozen fuzzies and pinkies for .25 each! I've got to raise my prices :eek:

12-20-03, 05:55 PM
Near my house, in toronto, they sell pinkies for about 60 cents and adult mice, breeders, for about a buck..i dont know rat prices..havnt started buying them yet

12-21-03, 12:57 AM
WHEN I'm not producing enough to feed my snakes, pet store that I hit sells their 125-ish gram rats for $3.99 Can. Glad I breed.

12-22-03, 12:30 AM
Yick! Those are some insane prices you're facing out there! With the size of my collection, I really have no other option than to breed my own. I'm saving bundles though, even if I was able to get feeders for insanely cheap prices, it still wouldn't come close to what I save. 200~ rats, ~20 mice... $60 CDN to maintain them all :)