View Full Version : Crocodilians, want to know a bit more
12-19-03, 08:35 PM
Hey all,
I see alot of people have different types of crocodilians(caimens and aligators and crocs, not sure if they're all crocodilians) and i am just wondering abit more about them. I have heard of like dwarf caimens and stuff but like what are the small things? Are there some that stay under 3ft? What do people feed them? Do you need massive enclosures? Do they like handling? How old do they get? Enclosure sizes and how much water? Haha, sorry i know its a lot of questions but i am just really curious. Thanks.
12-20-03, 03:31 AM
not sure if they're all crocodilians
Yes Alligators, Caimen, Crocodiles, Tomistomas and Gharials are all crocodilians.
I have heard of like dwarf caimens and stuff but like what are the small things?
Dwarf caimans and Chinese alligators are generally the smallest species of crocodilians out there. As a whole. Generally, every single speciman of any species will vary on size. For example, american alligators 'can' reach 15' but normally Males only get about 8-10' normally. Fairly manageable size when it comes to housing. Females Almost never get above 9' and even then a 9' female is rare. You will normally only see this sex being about 4-6' in length. If you want an overall fairly easy manageable animal, get a dwarf caiman. However, expect a serious amount of fight from them. That would be my only main reason to urge people away from the species. All caimans are generally hell on legs, and if they live indoors, have some fairly high walls to keep from having large amounts of water on your floor. If you want a generally laid back animal and can manage a 6' animal (Which most species 'can' get) I say go with a female american alligator.
? Are there some that stay under 3ft?
Seriously stunted animals are under 3' Often both species of Paleosuchus are commonly 3' but even then, good luck.
What do people feed them?
The general rule for feeding crocodilians is Everything. Mice, rats, rabbits, freshly killed chickens, amphibians, reptiles, fish crayfish, crabs.. You name it.. Feed it. Some more than others such as feed less fish than mammals
Do you need massive enclosures?
Depends on your idea of massive.
Everyone has there idea but personally I like to use the German rule "G. Law" which generally means that housing should consist of Land being 3 x Snout to vent length by 4 x SVL. and water being 4 x SVL by 5 x SVL. Meaning that a crocodlian that is 4.5 feet long, you'd need a cage where the land was roughly 6ft by 8ft, and the water section was 8ft by 10 ft. Another way to do it is having an enclosure that when the animal is on land it could turn completely around with out touching either sides or water in the process..
On the other hand babies generally need smaller enclosures than that of the
"G. law" You could use the law when it comes to them but when I have like say a 9" crocodilian I normally house one in a 30g breeder tank. This way I know it's eating and is healthy and hatchlings like the confindments, makes them feel safer and less stressed. That is the key of keeping any herp.
Do they like handling?
They don't. Like any herp really. Some may tolerate it, some may not. Personally, I am a believer that all reptiles should be kept as a hands off animal; With certain limits of course..
How old do they get?
About as old as a human. It all depends on the health, genetics and luck of the animal.
Enclosure sizes and how much water?
Depends on the animal. Basically, as it's described at the top..
12-20-03, 02:09 PM
Thanks Xain!
How big do dwarf caimens get?(on average)
Thanks man! Great post! They sound awesome.
On, it says that the German law is for a pair of crocodilians. So, could he have a smaller enclosure?
12-20-03, 06:12 PM
How big do dwarf caimens get?(on average)
On average, I'd say they get about 4'. I have never seen a specimen over 5' of either Paleosuchus species. Heh, even my 3'ers seem more of a hassle than my 6' alligators, fun creatures. I think they are more etchy than spectacles...
On, it says that the German law is for a pair of crocodilians. So, could he have a smaller enclosure?
Everyone has there idea on housing crocodilians, which is cool with me. If the animals are healthy and their welfare is awesome then you will get no arguement from me. I've understood the the "G-law" such as the example Ive used, is for one animal. Which is the same example Colin uses on his site, I believe so I imagine he sees the same way. Ive only chatted once with him and we didnt even talk crocodilians so I dunno how he feels on it. But Im pretty sure the example weve used were for one animal. It's the rule Ive been using for years either way. Ive seen incredible animals in lesser sized enclosures. My animals are normally housed out doors and the ponds are well over the G-law recommendations so, its all about personal opinions.
So after all of the rambling, yes he could have a smaller enclosure, but why not give hoim a bigger one if his space promotes it?
12-22-03, 01:02 AM
WoW! Thanks.
I like them lil dwarf caimens. Just asking, not that im getting one, but if i ever did get a dwarf caimen could I (i have my own basement room that will be my reptile room) house him in an enclosure abit bigger than he could turn around in comfortably during the winter(in my house) and in the summer have a large outdoor area? Thanks.
You can't own this stuff in Alberta, just thought I would give you a heads up.
Thanks Josh
You house most of your stuff outdoors? What do your neighbours think of that?
12-22-03, 01:15 PM
ok thanks. Did not know
12-22-03, 03:49 PM
Chris, yes, I do that. Normally in the winter, even though my animals keep eating normally, they rarely seem to move. The temps are of normal temperatures of them so that's not the case. So yes, you could do the small enclosure during the winter and then larger enclosures during the summer.
672, they actually don't mind. They normally come to the fence when I am messing with them so they some what enjoy it I think. Plus, I only have a 4' Spec, a 6' gator and a 3' spec in the back yard so it's not to extreme. All of the others crocodilians are kept on my uncle's land so it's all good.
12-23-03, 01:00 AM
I could barely see that head poking up through the water. :-P
Reptiles Galore
12-23-03, 01:49 AM
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