12-17-03, 10:41 PM
Making a monkey tailed skink cage and was wondering if anyone could give me and estamite for about how much it would cost never made a cage befor so wouldn't know.
3'4'4' using
for back (3'4') two sides (4'4') and bottem and top. bottem will have vents cut in with plastic mesh for ventalation and top will have holes cut filled with mesh for heat lamps. and normal glass (not pixi). and then aqurium save selent. I was wondering if theres a place you can order custom built cages in ontaio perferbly around mississauga or toronto. Also does anyone know a cheaper type of wood then melamine i havent; been able to find any on homehardwears site so i'll have to go in anyways if anyways knows how much approximetly it;'ll be and any building tips or someone who mkaes custom built cages in Ontario it would be greatly appresciated thx:)
3'4'4' using
for back (3'4') two sides (4'4') and bottem and top. bottem will have vents cut in with plastic mesh for ventalation and top will have holes cut filled with mesh for heat lamps. and normal glass (not pixi). and then aqurium save selent. I was wondering if theres a place you can order custom built cages in ontaio perferbly around mississauga or toronto. Also does anyone know a cheaper type of wood then melamine i havent; been able to find any on homehardwears site so i'll have to go in anyways if anyways knows how much approximetly it;'ll be and any building tips or someone who mkaes custom built cages in Ontario it would be greatly appresciated thx:)