View Full Version : Choking !

12-17-03, 09:07 PM
OK some times my female veild Mrs. MOO gets a little excited at feeding time...she tryes to hit my fingers while im undoing her doore locks..

I seen her about a year ago choke in a crix she started to move like crazy protruded her tounge and fixed her problem and i dident see anything come up so im assuming she finnaly swollowed it...

Ok so today me and my boyfriend were feeding all the chams i just did a round with mealies and he was doing crix. well he put some crix in her cage and she was eating them. then i get called she is choking... well she sticks out her tounge way firther this time and acually turns upside down and then spits up everything she just ate (note: 2 crix were still moving in the spit up).

so im just wanting to make sure she is acully choking and its not something else!

any ideas on how to make her less excited lol!

if this were ever to happen in the future is ther somthing i can do to help her and if she couldent do it herself what do i do in a emergency? would i try and go in and take whats there out? is there a right way to do this?

just worried


Wuntu Menny
12-17-03, 09:33 PM
My female veiled gets nearly that wound up at feeding time too. She will take 2-3 crickets at a time and try to jam them all down without chewing. Chameleons are generally very methodical and thorough when it comes to chewing their food, so I'm not sure why some individuals turn to gluttony like this.

If you do run into a problem, you may very well have to extract the blockage. You can use something like an eraser or similarly soft object to block her mouth open and, using a blunt, round tipped pair of forceps, carefully reach in and pull out the crix. I honestly don't know what to suggest for curbing this behaviour. It may be a result of the prey not posing any threat and mastication is unnecessary to immobilize it.


12-18-03, 09:15 AM
I've never really seen this type of behaviour in any of my chameleons... I do have a few that act like they haven't been fed in absolute weeks (untrue!) when I throw the bugs in, but they will pick off the insects one by one and eat them properly.

Would handfeeding her or giving her one bug at a time alleviate the problem you think? I don't know, I'm just curious.


12-18-03, 03:55 PM
I find it is more with crix she will eat mealworms thouroughly but just swallow the crix hole. even when i do it by hand. i find that if i let the crix lose she can only catch one at a time but thats what i did this time... non of my other guys are that crazy she eats like a pig i have to watch her weight carfully all the time. She just gets soo dam excited. its pretty funny lol. Its just scarry to watch that. she hunts down every crix she can get her eye on no escapies lol. Ill just have to be exta causious with her.

12-19-03, 06:24 PM
brandy ... ahhhh
max did that today!!! i think he just ate too much and threw them up ... they wern't moving though, just very distinct crix :(


12-22-03, 03:31 PM
maybe give them to her one at a time, and she gets another when she swallows the last one.