View Full Version : chameleon question/help

12-17-03, 08:44 PM
I have two female nosy be pantehr chameleons that are in a 2x2x3 ft screed cage with three ficus plants have uv and heat bulb and get sprayed twice a day. I have the conditions right but They both are starting to develop nose rub on head area. Its like they are rubbing but i never see them doing that. I thought they were getting ready to shed, but thats not the case. Im not sure what to do. So if you can help me out I would like that thanks Nick

12-17-03, 08:51 PM
I think its from them fighting each other I just caught them doing that. What do you think. Im going to seperate them.

12-17-03, 08:57 PM
Yes seperate them sometimes females can be housed togeather but from all i have seen its more offen that they will fight. Id like to see this nose rub though anyway u can take a pic? A tempary devider in the cage might fix them temperarily, just a sugestion.

12-17-03, 09:36 PM
I just got back from the pet store and got a second cage. The marks look like battle marks from head to head combat not to bad. I was wondering is there any type of diseases for chameleons that start off this way. It look like flacking skin and a little scaring. thanks for the help. Nick

Wuntu Menny
12-17-03, 09:40 PM
The cage is too small for both to be housed. Aside from the aggression, they are probably both rubbing their snouts along the perimeter of the cage looking for a way out. I think your decision to separate them is the right one.

With a cage roughly twice that size, you might get away with two chams. You would have to provide duplicate basking areas, feeding and watering stations, etc. to avoid competition.


12-18-03, 12:46 AM
ok the second cage is 1 1/2' x 1 1/2' x 3' It seems big enogh. I have two plants in one and one in another going to get a seconf tommorrow. is there anything I could put on the scar area to make it heal faster or is it just time. i will keep you posted on how things are. thanks Nick

12-18-03, 01:03 AM
that second one won't be big enough if they're adults. Is it 3' tall? or long? 3' long and 1 1/2 ' tall is not a good cage. No offence, just my opinion. And I'd think it was them fighting.

12-18-03, 07:40 AM
its 3 tall fisher, and for a femail it shoul be fine ... mine is 18 x 28 x 48 for a male ...

12-18-03, 08:55 AM
Originally posted by SD-SNAKE
is there anything I could put on the scar area to make it heal faster or is it just time. i will keep you posted on how things are. thanks Nick

If you are worried about it, a small dab of Polysporin on any scar areas won't hurt but they will heal in time. Obviously, if they are deep wounds, watch for bleeding, swelling, oozing, infection etc. and if you see any of that a trip to the doctor is warranted.

I personally don't own a tube of Polysporin, I have a bottle of a vet prescribed topical antibiotic creme that I use for scrapes, check the warning areas of the tube though, you may not want to put a dab close to their lips where they may accidently ingest a small amount. I guess what I'm trying to say is check to see if it is toxic or not if ingested... I don't think it is.


12-18-03, 07:20 PM
3 feet tall is good, but 1.5 X 1.5 feet? I don't think that's big enough. Maybe it looks good enough but a bigger enclosure would be better. I could live in my bathroom but I wouldn't want to. I just like giving an animal as much space as possible. No offence Dank7oo, just my opinion.


My ambanja is in a 48"tall X 31" X 24" and it looks too small. She seems happy though. Lots of room for climbing and snooping about.