View Full Version : 1 000 000$ and no more reptiles...

12-17-03, 02:06 PM
a while back there was a poll asking: would u give up your snakes/reptiles for £/$ 1,000,000???


It was quite fun to read, but there was one thing in the answer that bugged me a bit, some people answered saying things like "yes i would sell them and buy them back" , etc..

I'd like to re-post the poll, but my question is more precise.

Would you give up the herp hobby AND your animals for 1 000 000$ ?

This means you wouldn't be able to keep or take care of any herps for the rest of your life.


12-17-03, 02:12 PM
Me and my boyfriend had this talk back when the other poll was made. We were both in unison that we would not give up our animals and the hobby for 1,000,000. He did say though that he would sell all of ours for that price, but if he did that he would have to deal with me.

Scotty Allen
12-17-03, 02:34 PM
I can't think of much I would'nt give up for a million bucks.

12-17-03, 05:09 PM
I agree with Scotty. I would give up herps, shampoo, Tim hortons coffee, razors, anything for a million dollars.


12-17-03, 05:11 PM
I say No now, but i probably would. I could go after my true passion, horses, if I sold my herps for 1 million $.


12-17-03, 05:13 PM
I guess I would too...
I'll just go to zoos to look at stuff....heck....I wont even have to feed everynight and clean cages.....lol....
If I get that money...do I also get the money from getting rid of my animals? lol

12-17-03, 05:17 PM
I would. I could get my own studio set up at home with that amount of money, plus tons of gear and things i desperately need right now, that would definately push me an easy step further toward my dreams.

12-17-03, 05:39 PM
I talked to my non-herp hubby about it. He said yes to the herps but no for the dogs-LOL. I love my animals like I do my family. We don't have kids so we focuse our attention on them. It's hard to say in the end though. You never know what you would say unless you've been in a situation as such.

12-17-03, 05:48 PM
I voted yes but i change my vote..didnt think about the fact that i cant buy anymore after that..i find them to facinating not to own..

12-17-03, 06:20 PM
sure would, then get more into inverts lol

12-17-03, 06:45 PM
if there were no emotion involved, yeah i'de take the million. i would go herping around the world with some friends.

12-17-03, 07:20 PM
i wouldn't herps are my number 1 love in life and i wouldn't give them up for the world but i only got1 herp so if i could get new ones i might or re buy it lol

12-17-03, 07:44 PM
I couldn't, it would be like giving up my happiness. My herps are more than just pets, breeders, etc. They're even more than family. To me, my herps are my peace of mind, whenever I'm down, I handle them, feed them, clean the cages, and by the end of the day, I'm happy again. I never got that kind of satisfaction from any other pets.


12-17-03, 08:00 PM
I would... I had to sell my herps to get the money I did, and I mean it was nothin' close to even 1000 bucks!

12-17-03, 08:39 PM
In the blink of an eye. With that kinda money, I could find a new hobby.

12-22-03, 01:28 AM
Yes I would for the simple fact that I am a single mom and that $money$ could help in my daughters future. As much as I love my babies my daughter comes first.

12-28-03, 11:40 PM
wouldnt even give it a second thought. My snakes make me happy too when im down. A million dollars however would keep me happy for a long long time. :D

I would definately miss them though, as I am driving in my brand new Red Porchse 911 Carerra 4 Twin Turbo...oh did i mention convertible.

Those of you that said no, I understand your passion for your herps, but until you have a crate full of CASH totalling 1 MILLION dollars infront of you, you dont know for sure that you would pass it up. Just my thoughts.

12-29-03, 01:52 AM
hmm let's see.. BUH BYE LA!.. I love my non human babies, but my human ones would be better off if I had $1 000 000 so sorry but byebyes.

12-29-03, 02:23 AM
Guess that's where they old saying "Money can't buy you happiness" comes in to play :)

12-29-03, 02:29 AM
"Money can't buy you happiness"

That is true...money cant buy happiness, but money can buy you a whole lotta chit that does make you happy. :D

Actually, I think its "money can't buy you love". :p

12-29-03, 02:35 AM
No way, Jose. I enjoy certain parts of my life, and if I had to give those things up over cash I know I would regret it. Money can bring a lot of things, but not everything. I am a simple kinda guy. Live cheap, do a few simple things that I enjoy. Seriously, cash aint worth nothing if it takes you away from your life.

12-29-03, 04:35 AM
Yea definetly no!!! Also I think we would all be suprised at how quickly 1 million buks can go in this day and age

12-31-03, 06:23 PM
no way that i would

12-31-03, 07:36 PM
"Money can't buy you happiness"

That only works for people born into money. Money can't buy THEM happiness, but I know it could buy a person who has worked all their life happiness!!! A lot of it at that!


01-01-04, 05:14 PM
No I wouldn't give up my herps and my hobby for 1 mill. For a good sized house (for kids), a decent car, upkeep, furniture, and paying off bills for 6 months to a year, would probably total more than 1 mill for us........but that could change. should have put a maybe up there!

01-01-04, 05:51 PM
Well money can't buy happiness but a million dollars could rent it for quite awhile so I would give up my herps. I would miss them all but I have struggled for my whole life so the opportunity to have an easy go of it for awhile has alot of appeal.

01-01-04, 05:57 PM
I'd probably take the money on spur of the moment, but down the line i would seriously regret it lol

01-02-04, 06:22 PM
never ever ever, couldn't do that, not my babies

Tim and Julie B
01-07-04, 10:18 PM
I'd have to say that the money would be nice at the time, but the novelty would wear off too soon once I realized that I couldn't have what makes me happy anymore. My reptiles are members of my family. They have names, personalities and are too much fun period!!!!!!!!! Knowing how much I would regret it down the road I have to say NO- I would not give them up for $1000000 dollars.