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View Full Version : branches for snake tank

08-22-02, 03:39 PM
I am just setting up a tank for my new cornsnake. I found some branches in a forest and was hoping for some advice on disinfecting and ensuring that there no parasites or anything else harmful are on these branches.

Any advice would be great!


08-22-02, 03:45 PM
What i tend to do is put them in a bucket full of boiling water until the water goes cold then put more boiling water in and let it go cold again.Then i put it in my oven at about 300-350 degrees for about 20 min.Let it cool down and you should be good to go.Before all of this make sure there is nothing on the braaches first
Good Luck

08-22-02, 04:05 PM
depends on the size, boiling, baking, microwaving and I always recomend peeling the bark first. And be careful the your not using pine, cedar, or some other aromatic wood that can possibly cause problems of a diffeent type. good luck

08-22-02, 04:12 PM
Ya boil theem in hot hot water for about 20 mins on high then bake em for 2 hours then just quickly check if any dead bugs are on and flick em off so your snake dosn't eat them. Nice choice on a corn they rule!!! oh and just check it's not cedar because that kills reptiles . whats your corns name? i bet it's really cute:)