View Full Version : Herp Group Meeting (Mississauga)

12-15-03, 10:29 PM

I am going to hold my first reptile meeting in Mississauga. You can come here talk snakes, exchange information and tips and trade animals.

Where: Mississauga at Cawthra and Queensway (Email for map)

When: February 21 2004 at 5:00 PM- 12:00 AM (Night before reptile expo)

Let me know if you are interested, and Email me at: ontario_herp_15@hotmail.com and I will put you on a list.

If you have any further questions feel free to ask.

Take Care!


12-16-03, 04:21 PM
Great ..can anyone come even from other groups/clubs?

12-16-03, 05:23 PM
Everyone is welcome :) i would like to see the DSG out here for this! If this meeting goes well, than i will do one before every expo!

Take Care

Jordan :)

12-17-03, 10:43 PM
Hi Jordan. I'd like to come by and see how you've changed the herp room around! I might bring a friend...btw, you may want to state whether people can bring critters from their own collection to the meeting for show and tell or not.

Good luck, sounds like fun.

12-18-03, 09:03 PM
show and tell...hehehe!

12-20-03, 09:20 PM
yes all animals are welcome as well. i have 3 rules with animals. one, is that they dont go near my stuff. two, your animals have to be healthy. and three, you MUST wash your hands between holding animals. i hope to see you all there!

Take care


12-23-03, 05:47 PM
Is there Beer?

12-23-03, 05:55 PM
Hey. Its BYOB. sorry, i cant really afford to pay for everyones beer. i personally wont be drinking, but you are welcome to bring your own beer.

Take care

Jordan :)