View Full Version : Updated Display Room
12-15-03, 08:53 PM
The Current In house Collection Consists of:
Snakes: 0.1 ETB 1.2 BRB 1.2 JCP 1.2 BMexKS 1.1 BCI 0.2 KSB 2.1 BP 1.0 Corn 0.1 ATB
Monitors: 0*.1 Varanus albigularis 1.2 Varanus dumerilii 1.0 Varanus jobiensis 2.2 Varanus acanthurus.
Other: 1.3 Leos 1.1 Veiled Cham. 0.0.1 Frilled Dragon
Other, Other-0.0.1 Chilean Rose T. 5.20 Rats 1.4 mice 0.3 Birds 15 Tropical Fish 3.0 Ducks
0.1 Bandogge 0.1 Partner 3.2 Kids
The albigularis and Frilled Dragon have mates at another location Looking for a Sub adult 0.1 Jobiensis, Looking/Partner reqd. for the 1.0 KSB Morph Need a partner for the 0.1 ETB soon
Thanks for looking
Very nice :D
I wish i had all those tanks heh :P
jim mcallister
12-15-03, 10:19 PM
that's a nice setup, very clean....looks great.
12-16-03, 04:52 AM
Awsome Brian! Can't wait to see it in a few weeks!
Shane Tesser
12-16-03, 06:43 AM
Wow Brian...thats awesome you still have enough room to walk around in!?! That must be the room that you told me you call your "get away" room where you spend your time tending to your animals while in the nude. :)
That's pretty amazing Brian!!
12-16-03, 07:43 AM
That is an awesome setup! Wanna come do my house?:D
12-16-03, 08:46 AM
Looks great
12-16-03, 05:04 PM
Thanks For the kind words folks!
"Awesome Brian! Can't wait to see it in a few weeks!"
I am looking forward to seeing ya Trevor... I should mention that we do not wear striped shirts here in Toronto, and if we are going to visit a few herp shops together you gonna have to look get something Black!
"That must be the room that you told me you call your "get away" room where you spend your time tending to your animals while in the nude. "
Shane Tesser
HA!, you know that's not the "get away" room Shane, you must remember the oak barrels you were bent over?
But yes, I do attend the animals naked, I just love watching the Python Shudder in awe
12-16-03, 05:10 PM
lol...i really like all that, your lucky to have your own house pretty much devoted to animals..wish i had that!! Looks good
12-16-03, 06:21 PM
Still the nicest looking herp room ever.
12-16-03, 06:35 PM
How about black and white stripes?
Holy crap Batman ..that is a great house setup Brian....
12-16-03, 10:29 PM
How about black and white stripes
Trevor: hahaha NO!,
If your with me and you meet any of my buds, and you have one of your a striped T-shirts on man,
I'll get beat up. Bad. lol
Thanks again Invictus
your lucky to have your own house pretty much devoted to animals
Bartdude; How true that is, however the herps are a very small part of the animals lol
Beautiful room, I like the ducks too! They are very cute.
very impressive .. good for you Brian!
Nice looking herp area~
great job!
12-17-03, 01:59 AM
Thats one sweet room, I cant wait until I have my own place so I can do something similar to that.
12-17-03, 10:20 AM
i have a question? not to be noisey but i like ur whole setup....
and my pops complain bout the electricty for my 1 ball python....
im curious on wat ur electricty bill looks like.....?????
12-17-03, 01:38 PM
and my pops complain bout the electricty for my 1 ball python....
Ask him to show you his power bill from before and after you snake arrived. You'll see no difference in the amount of power being used by one ball python cage.
I have a whole snake room set up with 30 snakes and an electric base board heater and my power bill went up maybe by $5 a month and that's because of the heater for the room not the 8watt under tank heaters I use.
Your pop is pulling you leg me thinks.
12-17-03, 01:55 PM
thats awsome.
12-18-03, 11:47 PM
Nice room... well more like the better part of a house really lol! I was going to threaten to come find your place and steal a few choice snakes from you but now that I hear that if someone was to try that they not only risk getting caught but caught by a naked man! Eww. No thanks! (I thought I was the only one that did that...)
12-19-03, 12:57 AM
WOW thats amazing! How long did it take you to set that up?
12-20-03, 04:14 PM
Thats alot of cages!!!
01-03-04, 05:40 AM
I really like how you have a room devoted to just pets...i really envy you..
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