View Full Version : Mealworms

12-15-03, 06:56 PM
For those of you who regularly use mealworms, what substrate do you use, and how would you rate it as far as smell, easiness, etc. ??


12-15-03, 09:25 PM
IMHO the only way to ensure healthy worms is to feed a varied diet. I keep mine in a substrate of...

pablum (the mixed fruit type)
rolled oats
12 grain mix
rye flakes
wheat germ
red bran
white bran
oat bran
fish food flakes

I feed them all sorts of stuff such as collards, peppers, cucumbers, oranges, zuchinni, kale, kiwi, strawberries, etc. Apple, carrots, and potato are great for water source and last longer than a lot of other fruits and veggies might, but they are poor nutritional sources so I only feed them sparingly.

12-15-03, 11:13 PM
Yup, I use the Dr.Gecko diet for my mealies too.

12-16-03, 05:59 PM
I just go to Save-On and get a bunch of different bulk cereals, oats, brans, etc. and throw in tropical flake food and calcium/multivitamin suppliments. I prefer to use carrots for water source as they don't mold if I forget about them for a little bit.