View Full Version : Jacksons Chameleon Pic

12-15-03, 05:08 PM
Hey guys here is a pic of one of the male Jacksons that I just recieved.

12-15-03, 05:14 PM
Nice looking cham! :)

12-15-03, 05:16 PM
I want one i want one did u get my pm? he looks great how many u get?

12-15-03, 05:17 PM
Ohhh... you gotta love a "horny" man! Hubba Hubba.


12-15-03, 05:37 PM
thats a sick chamEleon!! i love the horns

12-15-03, 07:25 PM
I just love my 2 jacksons that I got from Lordeagle,, they are so neat, braved the snow and picked them up.It was worth the drive to pick them up..
Awesome creatures

12-15-03, 07:42 PM
wow thats just amazing, how old is he????


12-15-03, 08:01 PM
Great pic! I am planning to get a Jackson's or two in the near future. I love them - they look like tiny dinosaurs.

12-15-03, 08:41 PM
super wicked awsome!

12-15-03, 10:59 PM
Hey guys
If anyone is interested let me know im getting another batch in before Christmas. These guys are very hard to find in Canada.

12-15-03, 11:10 PM
he looks awsome! a nice collecter item :p

12-15-03, 11:58 PM
:jawdrop: Sweet cham!!!


12-16-03, 11:23 AM
So that's where the other two jacksons ended up, LOL. I gotta get some Quads and I'm all set. haha... =)

Eagle, you may want to consider getting an automatic misting system. It really really helps the Jacksons and other montane species. I'll post pics later.


12-16-03, 12:45 PM
Hey Robert

So how are your Jacksons doing? I am going to be doing alot of work over the Christmas holiays for my chams. I plan on building another large cage and plan on setting up a misting system. If you have some misting plans that you wish to share let us know.


12-16-03, 01:48 PM

12-16-03, 02:14 PM
Hey Michael,

Yeah, the Jacksons are doing great. I got them in their own cage and the misting system covers their water needs. They eat sparsely though, but with WC animals, they're like that.

Since I work during the daytime, there's nobody at home to mist the cages. And with Jacksons and other montane species, it's imperative (sp?) to keep the humidity up. Hence, the necessity of an automatic misting system. Well, either that or training my cat to do the misting for me. Now how hard could that be? LOL

The easiest thing to do with regards to an automatic misting system is to buy one from Greg West (shameless plug). I bought a system from him and it's great. No problems so far for watering and I can adjust the temperature of the water to what I want (via tropical fish water heater). Maybe I should write a review of the system?


12-16-03, 02:20 PM
Oops, I meant to say in my previous post, the Jacksons are in their own individual cages. I don't have a cage large enough to house all of them together.


12-16-03, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by Collide
I want one i want one did u get my pm? he looks great how many u get?

Hey Collide where are you located? I can put you on my next order email me at mbisnauth@sympatico.ca
or lordeagles@yahoo.ca


12-16-03, 06:14 PM
I would really like one but im not too sure about getting a wild caught cham right now. I have had bad luck with vets soo if anything were wrong i dont feel im in a good position at the moment although mabey after the new year if u get any (my b-day lol) Ill sick my boyfriend on you lol....i have to find a good vet in the mean time ... oh im in richmondhill... but i want one soooo bad lol u dont understand how hard it is for me to say no,


12-16-03, 07:01 PM
It is hard to say no. Love the pics. Jacksons are so intersting looking. But no room for one now, the wife said so.

'pssst, eagle, when you getting more?'

12-16-03, 07:59 PM
Everyone wants one, cause there rare, very very hard to find, easyer to find in the U.S but very hard to find in canada, i havnt even seen one live. I wish i could get one but im still "noob", and plus i dont hve the money lol


12-16-03, 08:08 PM
I will be getting some more probably next week or just after Christmas. I am hoping to get hold of a gravid female so I can have Captive Born babies. But I plan on keeping a few pairs in stock so if anyone changes there mind let me know. Also in the new year I plan on bringing in some Wild Caught Panthers we need some new fresh blood around here, maybe some Mellers chameleons if anyone is interested and whatever else I can get my hands on. If there is a type of cham you want let me know I can see what I can do.


12-16-03, 08:09 PM
Wow, I didn't realize that they were that rare. We always have them at the shop I work at in Bellingham. They always come in as big juveniles. They are all eating great and (I think) they are captive bred. Very cool little guys. How old do they have to be before you can determine the sex? Snout to vent length is usually about 4" long and none of them seem to be starting to grow horns. Maybe they're just too young?

12-16-03, 08:32 PM
I love jackson's

Sean Day
12-17-03, 11:09 AM
WC pairs for $300????????

12-17-03, 02:12 PM
Hmm.. Something interesting I found about Jacksons so far... They seem to be very shy, almost as shy as Quads.

When I'm in the room, the Quads instinctively hide into the plants. They don't even come out to eat, only when I leave the room do they cautiously come out and binge on the crickets and mealworms. Jacksons almost do the same thing, they don't run away, but they don't eat while i'm there either.

I made a "cricket run" container that lets the cricket run around on a piece of cardboard, while still contained in it's container. This is really good for WC chams who may not have adjusted to bowl feeding. I don't know if it's ok to send a link from another website, but if anybody needs it, just PM me.


12-17-03, 07:51 PM
If we cant get a jackson now, will you still have them in the future, also if you can try and bring in some dwarf chams, such as pygm chams?? just wondering if you could, and are most of them you bring in WC?????


12-17-03, 07:56 PM
I cant promise you that I can get them in the future. I hope to breed them and produce some captive breds but thats along way off. As far as some dwarf, pygmy chams. I can see what I can get.

12-17-03, 07:58 PM
k, hmmmm just wondering do jackson lay eggs, like every cham, cause i heard that they are born alive, lol it was a while ago i forget where i got it from.


12-17-03, 07:59 PM
Meow, the Jacksons are live bearers.


12-17-03, 08:01 PM
Jacksons do indeed give birth to Live young. I can't wait to witness that oneday

12-17-03, 08:01 PM
Oh... and my pygmy's have been breeding! YAY!


12-17-03, 08:01 PM
ooo i c thats intresting, how many can they have??? 3??? do they stay with there mothers or once there born they live there life on there own, just wondering


12-17-03, 08:03 PM
yay thats good news, love those little guys


12-17-03, 08:07 PM
Yes they give birth to I think it is anywhere between 3 to 20 young at a time. They can only be bred once a year since they are pregnant for 7-10 months. They drop their babies in a birth sac on leaves and branches. At that point they are left on their own to survive. Chameleons are evil that way, they dont raise there young they may even eat their young.

12-17-03, 08:10 PM
oo i c thanks


03-06-04, 01:28 AM
does anyone have a breeding pair of jacksons for sale?

03-06-04, 09:46 AM