View Full Version : Snowboarding season on its way!

12-15-03, 03:58 PM
Woohoo snowboarding season is on its way just got my new baord yesterday just need the snow to stay gonna get some awsome shots i'll post them along with some herp ones too just out of curiostiy how many people here snowboard/ski and what kind of tricks can you do if u can do any?
rock on kayla:)

12-15-03, 04:32 PM
hey i snowboard. I mostly do rails but i can also do 360s and 540s off jumps. i come from nj so there isnt that many mountains around here

12-15-03, 04:37 PM
Ohh, I can't wait. New board for Christmas this year too. I just wish i could go out West again this year for march break :(

12-15-03, 06:43 PM
Ahhh, snowboarding....I want to get a new board this year!!!