View Full Version : lab rats

12-15-03, 03:39 PM
I was wondering if anyone knew of a place where you could get some of the lab strains perferably in Ontario. I'm mainly interested in Sprague Dawley rats and maybe some swiss webster or IRC lab mice in the near future. Any help would be great.

12-16-03, 07:44 PM
If you were in Greece i could help you.
All of my feeders (mice and rats) are IRCs and they do produce huge litters.
Recently i had 22 babies from one IRC mouse and 10 babies from an IRC rat.

12-16-03, 10:08 PM
You can ask around at local universities/colleges, many keep colonies of lab rats for research purposes and can either sell you some or order some for you from their biological supply company...or you can try and track down a biological supply company on your own...
P.S. Check out the university websites and try to find the pages for their biology department...you can usually find e-mail addresses for lab administrators/department heads on those sites...those are the people you might want to contact.

12-17-03, 02:00 AM
I work with Sprague Dawley rats. If you're in or around Toronto, willing to pick up, and willing to wait for a litter, I can spare a few. PM me.