View Full Version : can these gecko's be housed together?

Sheldon & Tori
12-15-03, 01:23 AM
hey everyone, just wanted to know if flying gecko's, satanic leaf-tail gecko's, and crested gecko's can be housed together? we are thinking about getting one male and one female of each. i will also be building them a cage that is equivelent to 65 gallons or bigger. let us know what you think. we are still thinking about the flying gecko's but we know we want the satanic leaf-tails and the cresties for sure.

sheldon and tori

12-15-03, 02:41 AM
It's never a good idea to house different species together. One thing is that they may have totally different requirements, heat, humidity, substrate, stuff like that. Another is that they might kill or seriously injure eachother. Although out of what you listed I only own crested I still don't think it's a good idea. Just my 2 cents worth

12-15-03, 03:10 AM
I agree, I don't think that it's ever a good idea to mix species.

12-15-03, 03:10 AM


12-15-03, 07:04 AM
Well.... I dunno if your questions has been answered or not... but no, don't mix species. :P

12-15-03, 10:01 AM
I hope your not going to try and breed them to make some kind of freak baby? If you want to mix species do it with Golden Geckos and White Line Geckos, they work fine I have had a few together for 2 years and have had no problems.

Wuntu Menny
12-15-03, 09:18 PM
So then you'll have pathogens and parasites from Indonesia and Madagascar cross contaminating each other and totally messing up the ciliatus that will be CB and have no resistance to either.

Nope, I wouldn't suggest it. Never mix species is a good rule to follow.


12-16-03, 12:27 PM
Yeah, not to mention the fact that your cresties will have the phantasticus for lunch.
But seriously, i can absolutely guaruntee that you do not have the ability to keep any uroplatus alive for more than a few weeks.
Let me break the care aspects down for you.
temps: 60's to 70's
humidity: 80-95%
temps: mid 70's to 80's
humidity: 60-75%
Flying geckos:
temps: 70's to 80's
humidity: 80-90%

Now I hope that this is either a sick joke or this post has helped you understand why this is a bad idea. I'm not trying to pick on you or anything, and I have experience with all of these geckos so if you have any questions or need info feel free to pm me. (i'll promise to be nice) ;)