View Full Version : The only pet store in ottawa that had knowledgable cham staff just got ruined

12-14-03, 03:14 PM
for all intensive purposes i will not mention any names .. but i went in to buy crix and there was one person working most of the store ... new management and all staff were fired, and all new ones were rehired :( now they know nothing and it is sad :(
the ladt speant a fricken half hour counting out our crix one at a time ... 1000 one at a time ... :( i think i am going to order online how - lol


jim mcallister
12-14-03, 03:21 PM
I feel your pain, most pet stores in NB are awful......their are a handful of helpful employees but it seems the people they normally hire don't do their homework and should seek employment somewhere else......

jim mcallister
12-14-03, 03:23 PM
Don't get me wrong sometimes i do get excellent service but often it seems i leave frustrated.....

12-14-03, 03:55 PM
ugh i hate when they count the crix!! when i first bought crix they'd count but after i started showing up like 2x a week they just pour em in the bag and let me go.

12-14-03, 04:15 PM
Haha, a new employee counted my crix at PJs, good thing I only wanted 2 dozen (it would have taken hours for 1000). He was a little afraid of them and took the longest time to get catch them too.

12-14-03, 04:25 PM
What's worse is crickets usually come in boxes of 1000. Why didn't she just give you a box. Duh.


12-14-03, 04:50 PM
ooo - we got 500 of 2 different sizez and besides she would hav prolly made sure it was exactly 1000 .. the manager is awful :( makes mad that they fired the great helpful staff (my guess is to lower wages)

12-14-03, 06:15 PM
A sad but all to common situation. Those kids should go work at McDonalds where they belong and leave herps to us. I'd work in a Pet store again if I got paid even close to what I get now. I could only wish.

12-14-03, 06:17 PM
Well the best you can try and do is educate them I guess an try to save some future animals.

12-14-03, 06:31 PM
One of my pet-peaves about pet stores too, watching them count out crickets. And then they act really cool and say "I kept an extra one in the bag for ya." Like they are doing you a favor by adding one cricket to the dozens ya just got.

reptile boi
12-14-03, 06:35 PM
Goto p******t on merivale, they only take a few sec's to count there crickets and normally give u a few extras :D
and u cant beat their price! 0.09ea for large n only 7 cents for small :D


12-14-03, 06:51 PM
Order online or make a trip to a good store every two weeks and buy in bulk. raise them yourself. im getting sick of relying on stores right now there is only one i trust to have what i need and they are slightly far.. i just order online now.. at least i can depend on that... as well as raising what i can on my own.. I cant even stand to be in most pet stored now i fell like i wanna cry..

12-14-03, 07:10 PM
lol Collide. I like you.

12-14-03, 08:01 PM

in case you didnt hear .. they fired all the great herp staff (i was talking about them)
sad to see a great place ruined :(

12-14-03, 08:15 PM
Well I'm floored! I NEVER thought that the pet store in question had knowledgeable staff to begin with, :confused: let alone now.

I had to edit ReptileBoi's post so I could say that too! I'm sorry, I've never been impressed with that chain. Ever.


12-14-03, 08:20 PM
really trace?!! they had a few really amazing staff and others who knew what they were talking about but were mean ... but heh ... i am working on convincing my mom to allow me to obtain some silkie eggs and only feed max them, and then make the monthly trip to buy crix for the little guys

on a sad side note - i FINALLY found a male dwarfie, but the guy sold it yesterday (in arizona) :(

12-15-03, 07:55 PM
Stock up at the reptile show, i knew a guy at the pet store for like about 4 months, and he would always give me more then he was suppose too, but he left and worked at another pet store, and now i have to meet a new guy, and he would also give me 15 mealies instead of a dozen, very nice guy and really good with herps. They dont sell 1000 anymore, you have to order the box, ordered box 3 weeks ago, for 28.00 bucks


12-15-03, 08:08 PM
do what I do.

If they are gona count them one at a time point at the tank and start saying I want that one and that one not that one what are you new the one on the left of it god pay attention or go home.

Next time they will tel you they have a new policy and say need to scoop at go lol

12-17-03, 08:24 AM
I go to the Reptile Store to get my crickets most of the time. I usually go in and ask for 50 and they give me about 300..........lol. The reason I only ask for fifty is because I don't want to bother keeping them alive for a week............but obivously I end up doing that anyway................lol.


12-17-03, 07:55 PM
lol i dont think there is a reptile store in scar


12-17-03, 08:04 PM
not one that specializes meow...

12-17-03, 08:11 PM
petstores are all about profit, turn it or kill it fast bottom line.

12-27-03, 03:29 PM
I actually applied there like a week before they fired everyone, and then was interviewed for a job. The guy who runs it now used to be the manager of Big A*'* ******** Services when it was in Bell's Corners. Anyways this new manager didn't seem to care so much about how much i knew about reptiles, only about sales experience. He was talking about these people applying who grew up on farms and how they know so much about animals. I pointed out that what is good for a horse means absolutely nothing for a chameleon. He kind of looked at me funny. I never wanted the job really anyways, so i didn't mind. The old staff was more knowledgeable, and was a little nicer. But they weren't all experts either. You could have a reasonable conversation with Shane, but nobody else knew anything. I heard some pretty bad recomendations come out of his mouth aswell though. I have tried to get the new head of reptiles to get me some juvi repcal beardie pellets for like 3 weeks now, messes it up every week and gets the wrong thing, or nothing at all. I give up, pet stores are just no fun to go to anymore. Anyways, from what i have heard; This manager is the last chance for that store. It has to have a large sales increase or it is being shut down. Thats right from a manager at the kanata location (good friend of mine).

Anyway's they are still leaps and bounds above that merivale mall pet store. They are on my boycott list. They have had the same reptiles in there FOREVER, none of which have large enough enclosures. All of which have dirty water dishes. i'm not going to get started on that though...

12-27-03, 06:42 PM
to be a good and sucessful pet store is to have the right things for the animals, and where they get it from. If they do thta i bet you that they will sucessfully hve an increase in saales, cause a lot of pet that are bought from pet stores are WC nd most of them die, within 2 months. Just in my opinion
