View Full Version : Uro question

12-13-03, 07:06 PM
I have two uros- ornate and a hardwicki...both juvies... they are in a 25 gall eviquilant rubber made style ... the heat is 118-15 degrees on the hot side ...and 81 degrees on the cool side ...I installed a 18" repti-glo 8.0 bulb ...but its about 8 inches from the ground ...is the uv too intense?...or is that fine?... I figure being such a deser animal it would be ok ...but would like other opinions


PS. I have grown really attached to these little guys ...very active and eat like pigs ..I regret ever putting them up for sale

12-13-03, 07:22 PM
I dont know if its different for other species of uro's but i know for my malis the uv should be a max of 12 inches away or its usless. I think if you can move it up 2 or 3 inches it would maybe be better but if not i dont think you should worry