View Full Version : Crested Gecko?

12-13-03, 04:50 PM
Hi. I keep currently a leopard gecko. I was looking into a chameleon, but i dont know if im ready.... I have already built a 5 foot high, 3 foot long and a foot deep cage. I really dont want it to got to waste.... Could i put a couple of cresteds in that or is it TOO big....? If i could, what types of decorations should i put in..? i have a ficus tree right now..... And if i cant put in cresteds, are there any other moderately easy animals that i can put in it?


12-13-03, 05:38 PM
yes, crested geckos would do great in a large enclosure. but not the babies, they need to be able to find their food.. so i would look for two adult Crested geckos. A male and a female..Good luck..

12-14-03, 12:43 PM
Ive cared for a leopard gecko, which i still have and some mantids, fish, and my dog... am i ready for cresteds? I wasnt sure i wanted to take the big step up to chameleons...

12-14-03, 01:03 PM
To be honest the enclosure size might be too big. There might be a issue of the cresties finding prey.

As for taking care of cresties, its just as easy if not easier then caring for leos.

Good Luck


12-14-03, 01:09 PM
You could put in big bamboo sticks or fake vines.

12-14-03, 03:25 PM
actually, i would think an adult could find food, i mean in the wild, they have a heck of a lot more room, ya know?

I don't think they are difficult to care for at all. I love the 3 i have..

12-14-03, 03:42 PM
well if u wanna handle them u'd have to thouroughly search the enclosure to get em out

12-14-03, 05:02 PM
I am going to put a large shelf in the cage for the water dish and hide houses..

12-14-03, 08:37 PM
the crickets would climb up teh screen to the platform because that is where the light is shining..

D Healey
12-15-03, 01:43 PM
Let me know if you decide on cresteds and i can send you some pic as i live in Newwestminister and have pairs or single geckos for sale and they are some of the best one's i have seen. Thanks Doug. P.S. you can also call 604-525-7410.