View Full Version : Boxie Pics

12-13-03, 02:56 PM
Here are two of my box turtles...



12-13-03, 03:02 PM
Awesome! I love the second pic.

12-13-03, 03:32 PM
Pretty little guy!

12-13-03, 09:19 PM
What is the second pic? What kind of box?

12-13-03, 10:27 PM

The first one is a yearly at 2"SCL and the second one age unknown at 4.5"SCL. They are both Eastern Box Turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina).


12-14-03, 02:16 AM
wow those are cool, like water tortoises...they dont look like normal turtles...there cool!

12-14-03, 10:45 AM
That older one looks alot like a redfoot. Very nice. Wu Gwei, do you know where I could find one of these guys? Or do you want to sell that bigger one? 'nudge' 'nudge'

12-14-03, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by gfisher2002
That older one looks alot like a redfoot. Very nice. Wu Gwei, do you know where I could find one of these guys? Or do you want to sell that bigger one? 'nudge' 'nudge'

Give me a chance to enjoy them first buddy! lol:D

Box turtles have been advertised quite a few times on this site's classifieds. I know Chris from Reptile HQ in Toronto has some. Scales Zoo sold off five of them a few months back. They're around, but you just need to know people and wait.


12-14-03, 06:20 PM
Most of the boxies I've seen look paler than yours. Your 2 look beatiful. Lots of red in them. I've heard easterns don't grow very big, like 4 to 6 inches max. Is this true? I might be able to squeeze just one more enclosure in. I'll have to get you to write me a big letter about how I'm saving the world if I give that box a good home and "accidently" mail it to my wife. It would have to be inportant if she would let me get yet another enclosure. Like, saving little children all over the world, kind of important.

reptile boi
12-14-03, 06:30 PM
ahahahahaha and i get to babysit them for the christmas break isnt that rite JJ? ;) :D LOL oh no....wait....maybe i shouldnt have sed that....*rolls eyes*


12-14-03, 07:13 PM
'cough' I'm poor 'cough' christmas is coming 'cough' I want a box turtle 'cough' 'cough'

'me smiles nice'

12-14-03, 09:26 PM
Great looking turtles! :)

red bootz
12-15-03, 08:42 AM
I love the contrasting colors on the Easterns. My tringuis doesn't have the color but the attitude is all boxie. Nice turtles Wu.

12-16-03, 04:36 PM
If you want to see some more colourful eastern boxies, you should go to Bill's American Box Turtle site. He has some great shots.

I find when you wet the turtles, their colour come out better in pictures. Some boxies are just brighter than others and they will likely loose their colour as they get older.


red bootz
12-16-03, 05:20 PM
Yeah, I've seen some insane easterns. Its almost as if they've been painted...

12-16-03, 06:58 PM
You can stop bragging anytime Wu-Gwei. No need to poke the wound. ;)

12-19-03, 01:33 PM
This brings back memories for me, Easter Box turtles are pretty common in Kentucky where I grew up. They were the only reptile my Mom would let me keep, she refused to let me have a snake :D
Every summer someone in the family would find one for me and it would be mine for a couple of months, then I would take it back and release it where it was found. Seeing these pics makes me want one again!

12-19-03, 01:41 PM
nice pictures they are really good looking . i dont know anything about them but could you tell me what the first one has in her mouth ?

12-19-03, 02:09 PM
mk-ultra - I believe that it's an earth worm. From what I hear, box turtles love em and are very nutritious.

12-20-03, 07:18 PM
oh hahahah now i see it i thought i thought the turtle was bigger :P