View Full Version : good gentle starter monitor
12-12-03, 10:38 PM
Is there a good monitor to start out with that is easy to handle (not rough)? My preference is 3'-4'. I don't want to come home to an angry wife!!:D Oh yea, try to exclude savannas- I heard bed things about them and just don't find them attractive. I also don't wan't crocodile monitors or KRMs. Thank you all who reply! :)
12-12-03, 10:39 PM
Oh, sorry-I'm a perfectionist. *I heard BAD things about them.
12-13-03, 09:20 AM
You could try Red or Yellow ackies. They're a good starter monitor that won't disapoint you. They will succeed in a wide range of environments as you go through the learning process, and breed quite readily. They just don't get as big as you want, they stay at around 2 feet in length.
12-13-03, 09:29 AM
I second that.
Ackies are loads of fun and provide lots of entertainment and some will quite readily allow handling. Nothing beats them for a starter monitor, for sure.
12-13-03, 12:02 PM
What prices can I get ackies for? Where can I get them?
12-13-03, 12:15 PM
Do you have pictures of ackies? I want to raise a baby for handling the most. I have quite a few lizards, but I'm only interested in breeding leos, so I don't want two, just one. I want a monitor that I can let out in the house sometimes or sit with me on the patio. I want a good companion monitor (and no-not for a wife), that is like a dog, but won't run away at any given chance.
12-13-03, 12:16 PM
Does this still fit the definition of an ackie's personality? Also, would you recommend a good leash?
12-13-03, 02:08 PM
If that is what you are looking for, get a dog. While there are some monitors that have a greater tendency to become docile than others (savs, for example), these things are wild animals. That means you have no guarantees that they will calm down, and even if they do, you can still never trust them completely. Even a tame monitor will shred furniture with its nails and wedge itself in wherever it has the chance. Taking it outside, you also have to consider your situation with neightbours, bylaws etc. My sav is pretty docile and I have a leash for it so that it can go outside. That being said, it is not a "companion monitor," but rather a monitor that I can give a bit more exercise and fresh air to. I have no illusions as to how much it likes me.
12-13-03, 02:11 PM
Ok. Thanks, but I'll stick to monitor lizards. I didn't actually mean I wanted something in retuen from the lizard, just a good monitor that is usually calm and won't run away at any given point.:D
12-13-03, 02:14 PM
12-13-03, 03:33 PM
I want a monitor that I can let out in the house sometimes or sit with me on the patio. I want a good companion monitor (and no-not for a wife), that is like a dog, but won't run away at any given chance.
I agree, get a dog.
12-13-03, 03:52 PM
A dog or any other mammal in that matter would drive my lizards crazy.
12-13-03, 03:54 PM
Umm......I don't think so. I'll look into ackies.
12-13-03, 04:07 PM
A dog or any other mammal in that matter would drive my lizards crazy.
I don't see how that is possible as they SHOULDN'T BE COMING INTO CONTACT WITH EACH OTHER.
:confused: :confused:
12-13-03, 05:10 PM
i kind of understand what you want but sorry to tell you just causs there big doesnt mean that you can just chill with it. There still lizards and will always be lizards. They dont have compasion for anything, there instinctual animals. Basically if you want something you can relax with on the porch its def not a retile. If you just looking for a good pet lizard, id maybe suggest a savanah monitor. There pretty good starters imo.
After being told time and time again that Ackies are so much better than Savs, I finally agree. Although I began with Savannahs, and I am a perfectionist so everything I did was suitable for them it was just on a much larger scale than with ackies.
You can learn much more from a smaller monitor, and do so much more with so much less space, time and cost. I keep both big monitors, and little guys I love them all, but I must say if you want to start out, get an ackie, even better get a few babies and raise them together. Their activity as a group is just incredible to watch.
12-14-03, 12:42 AM
I just got a fantastic monitor
It's a 19 inch LCD...looks awesome
low maintenance too! :)
12-14-03, 06:08 AM
LCD? Holy moly, I gotta start breeding Rosies!! I still have a 17-inch regular! I must be in the wrong biz? LOL! :D
I agree totally V.hb. Thing is, the industry is still set up to push push push savannahs and niles and waters. Its sad. Hopefully people will make the right decisions. :)
12-14-03, 10:11 AM
Okay, thanks guys. I think I'll look into ackies more and try to get one. Anyway, it was just a question and I might not make my decision in a long time.
Solid Snake
12-14-03, 12:24 PM
Sav's are great, what do u mean u heard bad things about them?
Ackies are awesome too, i'd buy a few too bad they're like 300$ each. Savs go as low as 25$ each.
and if u want a companion, why do u want a lizard? get a dog or cat
Originally posted by Solid Snake
and if u want a companion, why do u want a lizard? get a dog or cat
100% Agreed.
12-14-03, 05:32 PM
No thanks, I want a monitor. I'll look into savs and ackies then.
Reptiles Galore
12-23-03, 12:16 PM
You have heard bad things about savanas! if you acctually work with them they are the nicest animals. i know someone with a full grown savana and the savana would of ripped your face off as a baby, but then she just started finding ways to hold him(like putting a towel on him and over his head) and in a couple months HE WAS GREAT, he also gives her kisses!
12-24-03, 01:23 PM
Cool, Aaron. The bad thing I heard was not about how rough the sav was, it was the tendency to be shipped in large numbers and given little food. I heard that most of them don't live long, but people like you have changed my mind! Merry Christmas to all:D!
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