View Full Version : Question?????

08-21-02, 10:22 AM

My Common Boa's going on 6 month and she's still pretty tiny, but I've got a 190 gallon tank waiting for her, at what age should I place her in this tank and how long would you say it will last before I have to move her to a bigger one?

any advise would be great,

08-21-02, 01:36 PM
The 190 gallon should last forever.My boa is in an enclosure that is 4 1/2 feet long 2 1/2 feet wide and 2 1/2 feet high.Does great as long as she can come out and play once and awhile.As for when i would wait until she is around 2-3 feet long before putting her in.Give hidding spots and somthing to climb on.With a tank that size you should have no problems.