View Full Version : My new rescue of sorts

12-12-03, 01:47 AM

I generally just lurk around here but I just thought I would try and post a pic or two (tryn' out the new digi cam)


I just pick this girl up from a kid that wasnt taking care of her all that great. After some coaxing, I took her home practicaly free.

Just got the fecal back and it was clean (I guess as clean as feces can be) And has been inhaling F/T mice like crazy as long as you dangle them. (kid said he hadnt been able to get her to eat in nearly two months!!)

well, here she is:


Best I can tell she is a bcc correct?

thanks for lookin

12-12-03, 01:53 AM
Congrats on the new addition, glad she's in better hands :) SHe's a very nice BCI ;)

P.s.- you posted an incomplete link to your photo so it wasn;'t showing, I edited it for you ;)

12-12-03, 01:53 AM
I don't see anything. ;)

12-12-03, 01:54 AM
OOOOH now I do, kool boa! Good luck with her!

12-12-03, 02:18 AM
So shes a bci not a bcc?

Sorry about the jacked up link.. you must have jumped on this as soon as i posted cuz i was tryn to fix it. Here i thought i fixed it and it was actually you. (what was i doing wrong). Due to the unexpected arrival, shes staying in a 75 gallon aquarium until i'm able to go to my storage unit sunday and get a real enclosure. I'll try to get some better pics of all my critters.


12-12-03, 02:31 AM
Definitely a BCI ;) Hehehe yeah I couldn't tell ya what was wrong, it was incomplete so I couldn't read what you were trying to paste. One thing that was odd, in the beginning of the link was "/password"? Sorry cannot be of much help.