View Full Version : Which is your pet liz

08-20-02, 07:48 PM
which do you chose

08-21-02, 04:09 PM
i would live to have a red tegu i have leos and beardies now but soon i hope to have one

08-22-02, 07:48 AM
A savanah Moniter would be my choice there awsome!

08-22-02, 04:15 PM
I love my beardie I would like to get a few more.
But I also like tokay's, crested gex, and amievas.

08-22-02, 05:09 PM
I didn't vote 'cause I just coudln't pick one. Snakes will always be my first and foremost, but I do love several ssp. of monitor (such as Peachthroat, Blackthroat, Whitethroat), leo gex, and Uromastyx :)

08-22-02, 08:38 PM
leo's all da way :D love em love em love em!!!

09-07-02, 10:06 PM
my vote goes for Trantulas they are sooooo cooolllllll

09-27-02, 11:32 AM
varanids. V.beccari, in particular, but also V.salvadorii, V.salvator, V.prasinus, V.indicus and V.jobiensis. there are others i love and would love to have but these are my numbers 1 through 6!! ciao for now!

09-27-02, 11:58 AM
Chameleons definately... the eyes are too cool :]

10-02-02, 08:42 PM
In our Reptile Zoo Iguana (http://www.iguana.nl) we keep
- Varanus salvator
- Varanus indicus
- Varanus prasinus

We also kept during many years:
- Varanus dumerilii
- Varanus jobiensis
- Varanus niloticus
- Varanus ornatus
- Varanus exanthematicus
- Varanus timorensis

Great lizards, those monitors, when you can keep them in very large terrariums