View Full Version : Texas isnt what ya think
12-10-03, 07:45 PM
Ok this ticks me off and i just wanted to get it out to everyone, Texas is not like the movies with cowboys and crap, we are like every other city we have some of the biggest cities in texas, we dont talk like hilbilies, and its not hot, its 22f right now!
I see alot of people makin fun of texas, thats not how it is here, you probaly think this is a stupid post (even i do,lol) but i just want you all to know texas
12-10-03, 07:47 PM
heres where i live, and exuse my 29f,lol
12-10-03, 08:32 PM
lol i wish it was 22F here. this morning it was -20F
12-10-03, 10:15 PM
Bah, Try being from Canada ;)
Last time I was in Arizona several people were surprised that I could survive the blistering +20 degree celcius temperatures since I was from the frozen tundra of the north :)
I don't even have to run my generator on whale blubber anymore. They installed electricity! Had to sell my dogsled tho. :(
12-11-03, 12:15 AM
Ya but when it gets too hot up here in Canada our igloos start melting lol. Nothing is the same as the stereo-type.
12-11-03, 12:37 AM
buddy i would have to aggree with one exception and its not hot, its 22f right now!
we have some fu*king hot summers, but i have lived here all my life so if its anyother way im frezzing, if its below 60F im frezing. but here is a interesting fact for u kids up in canada, Dallas Tx had the most crime per capita than any other city in the us (that because all of the gun fights and duals that go on around here ;))
12-11-03, 01:09 AM
he's from east Texas, a totally different world from west Texas (don't worry reptile171 I was born and raised in Del Rio, lived there longer than you have been alive). We have plenty of cowboys, cattle, snakes, scorpions. The only big city on this side is El Paso and it is 10 hours to the next one south or east (unless you count Lubbock or Odessa and they are not big). He is right, we don't talk hillbilly, hell barely have hills lol.
Fat Cat
12-11-03, 12:30 PM
I have to say the only things I found to be true in Texas ...was that I saw a lot of cowboy hats yeah call it a stereotype or whatever but they were everywhere (Houston)... Also, I found it funny when a couple asked me what it was like to come from such a small place like Ontario, Canada to Texas .... I remarked by saying that Ontario is Twice the size of Texas.... they refused to believe it .... A few others feel that "nothings bigger than Texas" I found that funny ...even saw it on a couple beer adds anyways thanks for your time
12-11-03, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by Slannesh
Bah, Try being from Canada ;)
Last time I was in Arizona several people were surprised that I could survive the blistering +20 degree celcius temperatures since I was from the frozen tundra of the north :)
I don't even have to run my generator on whale blubber anymore. They installed electricity! Had to sell my dogsled tho. :(
:p :p :p :p :p
That is so true and so funny at the same time! I'm cracking up over here!!!
12-11-03, 04:37 PM
Y'all need to lighten up dar Texas. I spent plenty of time working in Texas in the oil patch in my time. Did the Panhandle area, Mid Central & Laredo area on the Mexican border & some of the west side. Other than the main urban areas Texas is all about the stereotypes ya hear. Maybe you haven't checked out much of Texas yourself but I have & rural Texas is pretty backwoods & Laredo is pretty much like being in Mexico. I even had to order in spanish at Mickey D's in Laredo so they would understand me LOL. When I was there I helped run a 70 man crew, all the CDNs were longhairs, french or both & the Americans working for us were mostly Mexicans & Blacks. I can tell you first hand that the prejudices, stereotypes etc. have a very solid basis in the panhandle & rural areas. I even had places that set us up at special tables away from the locals so's they wouldn't have to be in the same areas as us "lowlifes", even though my crew would drop upwards of $30,000+ weekly into their economy. Mind you ya don't agrue with em when their packing sidearms. Y'all may be from there but ya have a lot to experience yet. LOL If it makes ya feel any better I'm from Alberta (that'd be Texas north for you Yanks LOL) & we run into all the same stuff, whether its from the East or you Southern folk. In reguards to your 22 F well of course deserts experience overnight lows, our overnight low here was like -20 f + the windchill factor (something you Texans will never have to worry about LOL). Until you have cold that freezes exposed skin in less than a minute you have nothing to whine about, except the heat heh heh. That 120 f in the shade crap really sucks especially for us Canuks. Anyhow its all just nothing anyway, so who really cares what anyone thinks. Ya do know what they say about Texas don't ya. "If it don't stab, stick, sting or shoot ya, it ain't from Texas. Mark I. >(
12-11-03, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by reptile171
Ok this ticks me off and i just wanted to get it out to everyone, Texas is not like the movies with cowboys and crap, we are like every other city we have some of the biggest cities in texas, we dont talk like hilbilies, and its not hot, its 22f right now!
I see alot of people makin fun of texas, thats not how it is here, you probaly think this is a stupid post (even i do,lol) but i just want you all to know texas
12-11-03, 07:29 PM
it was funny I live in Austin,TX born and raised here but I made a few friends in New york and would talk with them on the phone and everything was kewl then I was visiting them and they started asking questions like Well Where is your accent? appraiately I dun reel good in skool cause I din't have no accent *S* BUt yeah those summers are a true pain in the rear on the cool days reaching just over 100F But hey that's life here so.... not much to do about it.
Reptile171, I clicked on your link and this can't be in Texas, I don't see any horses or cows !!!
Anyways, I gotta go... weather will be bad tonight (probably -60 or something) and I need to close the igloo door so that my maple sirup doesn't freeze.. And I have to call my eskimo friend who lives next door see if he's got some extra whale fat.
That,s what I'll be eating for diner, income is low this month some stupid cop in a red suite riding a black horse gave me a snowmobile speeding ticket. :)
Talk to you later, I'll go carve my face in some smooth black rock.
I would live in Texas in a heartbeat...I would leave the Canadian winter behind forever...they have real money(US) there
12-12-03, 12:30 AM
I know herping in Texas would be most excellant! Mark
12-12-03, 12:39 AM
hahahaha most of all yall texans couldn't handle northern Canada, +40 in the summer and - 50 in the winter at times (thats not wind chill)
12-12-03, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by Fat Cat
I have to say the only things I found to be true in Texas ...was that I saw a lot of cowboy hats yeah call it a stereotype or whatever but they were everywhere (Houston)... Also, I found it funny when a couple asked me what it was like to come from such a small place like Ontario, Canada to Texas .... I remarked by saying that Ontario is Twice the size of Texas.... they refused to believe it .... A few others feel that "nothings bigger than Texas" I found that funny ...even saw it on a couple beer adds anyways thanks for your time
I wonder if they know that Alaska is bigger?
Yeah and Pennsylvania is NOT full of amish people... though I have seen quite a few.
12-12-03, 10:49 PM
Listen up, everybody. Texas is so F*CKING AWESOME!!!!!!!:)!!!!!!!
12-12-03, 10:50 PM
Pennsylvania sucks. THAT's where I live!
damnit, break me news like that, just before x-mas break when i go to south padre island man :( boo on you! but still, deep sea fishin' will rock as always ;) The gulf always brings me luck :D
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