View Full Version : Uroplatus lineatus

Wuntu Menny
12-09-03, 04:16 PM
My tail is positively twitching in anticipation! I just secured a trade for a pair of these gex to be p/u tonight. Does anyone else here work with these bizarre leaf tails?


12-09-03, 04:30 PM
i dlike to see pics when the arrive!

12-09-03, 04:51 PM
very cool! congrats on the impending addition. I'm getting ready for some very interesting uros myself this month, couldn't tell you exactly what the heck they are though... now that i've let that cat out of the bag I guess it will be a suprise for everyone.:p

Wuntu Menny
12-09-03, 05:07 PM
You don't know what they are? Some kind of undescribed subspecie perhaps?


12-09-03, 05:36 PM
Thats awsome man!! They are probably one of the coolest Uroplatus species out there, they look like someone took a pencil crayon and drew perfect lines on. I'd deffinately like to see some pics. Are you getting them from Neil Meister by any chance?

12-09-03, 08:39 PM
Right on man!!!! Are you getting an adult pair? If you breed them, remember - I'm first on the list. :)

Wuntu Menny
12-09-03, 09:27 PM
Sorry, no digicam so pix will have to wait. I do have the gex home now and they look pretty nice. I traded some CB offspring to Crowfoot P-land for them. Originally I was told that they were CB animals purchased at Daytona earlier this year. There now seems to be some question as to whether or not they were. Either way, they're the fattest, (and I use that in the lineatus sense) healthiest specimens I've ever come across. Both are adult size, the female is a nice bamboo golden color and the male has a deep brown ground color with good markings.

Naturally, as Uros can change color dramatically, I'm sure there'll be some variations when the lights go off. I just have to put some finishing touches on their new pad and get them tucked in for the night.


12-10-03, 12:33 PM
Yep, the best way I can describe them would be like a giant phantasticus. I actually found a pair last year but i've decided to pick up a few more. They're definitely not malama, but at 4" svl they're certainly unusual.:cool:

Wuntu Menny
12-10-03, 11:27 PM
That sounds very interesting, I don't believe I've ever heard of it. Some of my references describe locale morphs of known sp that routinely grow beyond the standard max for the specie. Perhaps this is a variation of phant from an isolated island population. From a couple of reports I've read recently, they're still discovering new sp and morphs of Uroplatus fairly regularly.


12-13-03, 12:26 PM
I wanna se those pictures, Wuntu menny!:D

12-23-03, 05:38 AM
Congrats on the new addition:) I also work with groups of these, they are wonderful geckos!!

12-23-03, 03:57 PM
i want to see some pics man

Wuntu Menny
12-23-03, 08:16 PM
Yeah, yeah. I have to get a photographer over to take them first. Patience grasshoppers!


Tim and Julie B
12-23-03, 08:44 PM
Heehee, patience when it comes to reptiles!? Yup, you've lost it!:D Get those pics man! If you're waiting on Rob tell him to hurry his arse up and take the dang pics already. Some time soon I hope to have room for more arboreal gex. And I'll be sure to post photos instead of teasing everyone when I do!:D lol


Wuntu Menny
12-23-03, 09:29 PM
Maybe one of the kind, generous people around here would give me their old digicam as an xmas gift???? Nah, I didn't think so but it was worth a shot.


12-24-03, 09:40 PM
Lowell, next time im over for crickets (probably very soon actually) Ill bring my digital and you can snap some, lots of room for mistakes lol it has a memory for 400 pics.