View Full Version : Strange Question....

12-08-03, 08:58 PM
Okay, for those who have mouth related piercings, you'll be able to help me here. Two days ago, I got my lower lip pierced on the underside, and, I wanted to know, in all your experiences, how long did it take before you could eat without any hassle, and, when did the swelling go down? Thanks guys. :)

12-08-03, 09:14 PM
It takes about a week for the inital pain to go away. The swelling goes down in 3 or 4 days. My piercings were completely pain free after two and a half or three weeks. I have my lip done twice.
Now, this was my experience. It depends on your body and such.

12-08-03, 09:31 PM
TheRedDragon: check out.. http://www.ratemytattoo.net (if you havent already)

12-08-03, 10:29 PM
If it was your labret, expect to be sore for no more than 2-3 days. Tylenol will help with the pain UNLESS you are a bleeder, then use Advil. The cleaner you keep it, the sooner it'll heal, but don't expect it to be completely healed for six months. Also, if you have a post as opposed to a hoop, be VERY CAREFUL when eating, as you'll get the inside part caught on the back of your lower teeth alot (you'll know when it happens). Get a shorter post put in as soon as you can. Usually 2-3 weeks. Good luck.

12-09-03, 12:18 AM
It differs from every person. I was playing with mine, eating, and drinking within hours of getting it. Just keep it clean, take tylenol or IBU (ibeprofun *SP*) to keep the pain down. As mykee said you will catch it on your teeth, I wouldn't take out the starter one until atleast 3 months just to make sure it won't hurt you when you take it out (or when you feel ready just give it a tug, if it hurts leave it alone, if it don't you can go ahead and try changing it.) You could also go to your piercer and they can usually change it for you, and usually at no charge.

12-09-03, 03:46 AM
well i have my toung done and i whent to Quiznose the same night i experienced no pain what so ever but i guess it is different for everyone

12-09-03, 04:49 AM
hehehe, I'd hate to have piercing issues, i haven't had healing issues with anything after my industrial, the lip was nothing! I always feel bad because i've got piercings and cant give piercing advice because I'm so tolerant of pain that i was playing with my lip ring as I walked out the door of the parlour! Hope it gets better for ya!

12-09-03, 11:39 AM
Your lip should be feeling really sore for about a week or so, after that is a breeze as long as you take good care of it. Make sure to use mouthwash often and don't play with it/touch it. Some ice should help the swelling go down a bit too for the first week.

I've had 3 before, now i only have one unfortunately (job issues) but i never really had any major problems eating...i just stayed clear from super greasy food for the first 3 days until the swelling went down and cleaned it thoroughly. Piece of cake.


12-09-03, 10:34 PM
Mine took a few days till I stopped noticing the difference. It didn't hurt too bad after a few hours. I used tea tree oil on the outside and something called TCP on the inside (from the UK). It worked really well, I had no infections and a small amount of swelling:) But like some other people have said all ready, once you notice the back part of the ring catching on your teeth, get your post shortened asap, otherwise it is very annnoying!

Hope you enjoy it more soon!

12-09-03, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by mykee
If it was your labret, expect to be sore for no more than 2-3 days.

It depends. If it is a center labret then it will be less painful to get done and heal quicker because it is going in between the two muscles, if you get them on either side, it will take much longer to heal and be more painful initially because you are piercing through the muscle. There are a fwe other variables such as that person's own ability to heal, and how healthy they are. Alcohol, cigarettes, and some medications lower the immune system as well.

12-09-03, 11:50 PM
Oh if you can find it also try witch hazel, it's in wal-mart by the rubbing alchol and such, use it on the outside of the piercing only. And mouth wash on the inside (or another oral topical antibiotic)

12-10-03, 12:53 AM

12-10-03, 03:39 AM
I got my tongue done its usally the worst the day after the pircing, you should be able to drink and eat with no problems within 3-4 days, make sure you use lots of listerene :)!

12-10-03, 11:19 PM
Originally posted by Matt_K
TheRedDragon: check out.. http://www.ratemytattoo.net (if you havent already)

Heh heh heh, as soon as I saw Jeff's post on the site, I was there. :)

Thank-you all so much for your advice. :)

And yes, I have a longer post in right now, and as soon as I'm healed, I'm getting a shorter one, because it's already caught on the back of my teeth a few times. :medopen: