View Full Version : need a comp wiz.

12-08-03, 07:34 PM
Sorry this has NOTHING to do with reps but i just wanted to find a computer wiz on this site causs i have a question. I was looking for wallpapers from some site and they had a page with all these themes to change your boot screens(when you start up the comp) and, in xp, when you type your password right befoe you start up into your ocmputer..you can change the appearance of these and i remember a while back i did this but i needed a program to do so. Does anyone here know what kind of program i need to install these themes??? thanks sooo much if you can help me out :)


12-08-03, 07:48 PM
win zip?

12-08-03, 08:29 PM
You need a program to run them... I think it might be called window blinds or window shades or something to that effect... I think it costs money though to buy it and then you can download all of those themese for free... I had it installed last year and took it down because alot of the themes are buggy and dont run 100% and alot of them take up alot of memory etc aswell...

12-08-03, 09:54 PM
thanks so much..but i remember getting a free one..any ideas?

12-08-03, 11:24 PM
I think its windows Plus for themes. Ive never used it on my system (XP) But on my old systems themes were always run under Plus! for windows... Iam pretty sure XP has a plus! addon.

12-09-03, 12:13 AM
I've used a couple of different ones, but the best one (by far) is called StyleXP.

The URL is: http://www.tgtsoft.com/download.php.

It is a 30 day trial. Most people will find a crack for it, but I'm not suggesting anything. ;)


P.S. Don't use Windows Blinds (that program slows down your machine terribly).

12-09-03, 01:03 AM
I used to screw around with this **** a lot.

1 suggestion If you screw with your boot screen you have to alter your ntoskrnl.exe before you screw it up make a copy of the original and call it ntoskrnl.bak. If you dont have the original to copy back you can run into problems with windows update. This is from personal experience.