View Full Version : BP pics and a cuple of questions

Alex Dew
12-08-03, 04:15 PM
Hey all

My bp is a 03 and she is about 2ft long and weighs about 280g.
Is this ok???

And what length should she be at her age???
And in a years time???
And it 2 years time???

I cant send any pics of her because theyare all about 50k. Amny surgestions how to get the sizes of the files down???



12-08-03, 04:36 PM
That's a perfect size for your little bp. It's hard to say how big she will be in that amount of time, it just depends on how much you feed her.

As for the pics, go here (http://www.forums.petlovers.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1530) for a little info. :)


Alex Dew
12-08-03, 04:46 PM
OK, thanks very much.

I know its hard to tell what size she will be in 1 year, but do you think sh could get to 3ft or even 3 1/2 ft by this time next year???



12-08-03, 04:48 PM
As Emroul said, it is different with every bp, someone could have a yearling that is 2 and a half feet long, yet some may have yearlings that are 3-3 and a half feet long. My 2yr old bp is 4ft long!

12-08-03, 05:12 PM
It is very possible she can reach 3 or 3 1/2 feet by this time next year, it's all in the food, my friend. :)

2 yrs old, and 4 feet :shocked: That's awesome. I think mine might beat you, though. LOL j/k... right now I have 2.5 '03's, and all of them are above 2 feet right now (I'd say 25-28 inches), ranging from 300-400 grams. It all depends on how well they eat, and on what.

Alex, do you want to breed her asap, or something? Or your just wondering?


12-08-03, 08:00 PM
actually he is more like around 2yr 3 months old, he was born in september 01". He WAS only like 2.5ft.......but we started feeding him rats, and he grew like a weed! lol

12-08-03, 10:35 PM
Depends on what month she was born, 03 is almost over you know :) She could be 8 or 9 months old or she could be 3 months old :) I have 2 born in March and April; the March (female) is roughly 700 grams and the April (male) is 645 grams. Then I have 2 August 03's; one is about 210 grams (female; problem feeder in the beginning) and the male is about 250. Then I have a female September 03 who was a problem feeder and is about 130 grams.

Alex Dew
12-09-03, 04:27 PM
ok, thanks every one.

I was just wandering about it. I dont plan on breeding ball pythons any time soon, since im into breeding corn snakes.
My Ball Python is still eating mice :( She is on 1 monster mouse a week. I really want her to get onto rats ASAP but i cant because the place where i go to get food have rat pinkies whihc are way to small and then the next size up in rat wieners (sp?) and those I think are too big. So im a bit stuck. Im going to go and take a pic of my ball python sitting next to a rat wiener and how you guys the pic, so mabey you can tell me what you think.

Emroul, Thank you very much for that post about the photos. Im getting a digi cam for christmas, so that will help a huge amount. What free program do you personal use to hold you snake photos???

