View Full Version : just a pic..
12-07-03, 03:58 PM
this is the crestie i got yesterday from jen(clownfishie). this picture was taken by her, not me, since i don't have a digital camera.
also if anyone knows a good site that ships the crested gecko diet please PM me or tell me on this thread. the store here that has it sells it for 12bucks a little bottle :(
thanks again jen
12-07-03, 04:05 PM
Nice crestie, I think that I forgot to ask you, what is its sex?
12-07-03, 04:11 PM
adorable! Congrats on the new addition.
12-07-03, 04:46 PM
its a male :) and born in january. clownfishie got it cause she was hoping for another female, but it turned out to be a male, so she sold it to me
scott hough
12-08-03, 12:56 AM
Too cute!!! Does he have a name yet?
12-09-03, 09:19 AM
Enjoy your new crestie -- Jen originally got him from me; so I know from experience that he's a little cutie! Do you have any other crested geckos? Watch out, they're addictive! :)
12-11-03, 01:00 AM
Great looking crestie! Congratulations and good luck with him! :)
12-11-03, 01:04 AM
Jacenta: no this is my first, but i want more :). i really havent seen him ''roaming'' yet all day hes sleeping in his hide spot but its funny how the bottom half of his body is up against a wall when he sleeps. but i know he comes out at night somewhat when i see the food gone :)
12-11-03, 01:29 AM
Cresties are nocturnal so you wont see much of them during the day, all they do is sleep in somespot that they think is hidden. They come out to play when its dark.
12-28-03, 08:50 PM
beautiful crestie
I really want a crestie, they're so cute and interesting....Hey, is 'the store here' Creatures? It's the worst in town, but none of the stores here are very good...I wish there was a Victorian version of PCPC here, a good knowlegable store....Creatures just orders bulk carts of 500 sick, diseased W/Cs lizards....Victoria is in dire need of a decent pet store that gives a damn about the animals...anyway....went off on a tirade (sorry) Congrats on the new crestie!
12-29-03, 01:17 PM
Hey, im new to crested gecko, can you guys tell me why females are better then males???? just wondering, is it cause they have more colour???? How much did you get it for??? Sorry so for so many questions
01-04-04, 03:47 AM
i would like to get one of those little you know where i could get one around here for a decent price..I live close to shops sells them TOO expensive..
D Healey
01-04-04, 04:06 PM
Females are better than male because you cannot temp sex them and for the most part most breeders end up male heavy 70% male 30% female so most breeder try to sell before they are sexable. And in responce to the oter post if you want to pick up a nice male i will sell one for as little as 70.00 but i live in New Westminster B.C. 604-525-7410.
hey Doug
just an update and a question
Im sure he is eating. every cricket i put in vanishes and he is leaving crap all over the cage. :) and ive seen him guzzling water off a leaf after i misted.
My question is, is it normal for him to be incredibly docile and bassically crawl onto my hand when i try to take him out? Yet when I stand up to put him back in, he is hopping and climbing like crazy!
(the reason i took him out was to see if i could finger feed him baby food because he wasnt eating it out of a bowl)
D Healey
01-05-04, 05:10 PM
Quite normal as you probably in most cases just woke him up and when you try to put him back in his CAGE he or she like you or i doesn't like that idea. Also at a young age they tend to be quite flighty try to post some pics soon i would love to see him again.
I took some pictures. i will try to put them online soon. Hes really great looking. He has a gray body and an orange fire crest hes really good lookin. The orange fire is on his feet and head.
01-07-04, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by D Healey
you cannot temp sex them and for the most part most breeders end up male heavy 70% male 30% female
The new Rhac book gives data on incubation temperatures and the resulting sex of the geckos, which strongly suggests that lower temps (low 70's) or fluctuating temps (68-82) tends to produce a female heavy ratio.
I also have a friend here in tow that has had the same results. In fact, of the five unsexed babies I got from him, I ended up with 1.4 adults.
D Healey
01-07-04, 05:36 PM
Just what i heard from oter breeders i personaly get 70% female incubating at 74 degrees but have not purchaced the book yet however it has not been proven to date from what i have been told.
01-07-04, 08:03 PM
I've been breeding cresties since the fall of '97. When I 'incubated' the eggs in the mid 70 F range, I had all males, can't recall one that was female. Any of the eggs that were kept in the basement where the temperature ranges between 65-72 F, were almost all female. Now I keep one egg from each clutch in the basement for female, one upstairs in the house for whatever sex hatches out (usually male). The exceptions are the 'red dalmation fire line' eggs which I try to incubate for female.
I tend to think the female thing is similar to leopard geckos - low and high temps are female, inbetween there just above the halfway mark of the safe range it's males. None of my 'female' eggs get above 72 F, and most are in the high 60's. It takes as long as 90 days to hatch them, but the hatchlings are just as hardy as the faster hatching ones.
D Healey
01-08-04, 08:20 PM
I have heard the same things from diffrent breeders aswell but alot of them also think that it may depend on where you live as i incubate my ariculatus at the same temp and so far they have all been females but i was told that they should have turned out male at that temp but the people that told me that are from Texas. I am also still interested in getting some cresteds off you in the future hopfuly when the weather is better and your able to ship as i already have a number of cresteds from beth and am always looking for new blood but if you can temp sex hook me up with some females. Thanks Doug.
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