View Full Version : I just found out that my new baby boa is sick!

08-19-02, 07:59 PM
I cant believe it! I just found out that my baby boa Cha Cha has a respritory infection. I feel awful. Well, I just wanted to ask how much it usually costs to take a sick snake to the vet. :confused:Thanx.

08-19-02, 08:16 PM
not sure because of you giving no location, here in New Mexico I pay $35 for the visit + drugs or any other needs

08-19-02, 08:16 PM
Im not sure in american but you should definatly give her a hotter hotspot of about 95 untill you can get her there... sorry to hear that!

08-19-02, 08:52 PM
HEY!!! Jeff, New Mexico is still America, it only gets left off the maps on rare occassions. I think I just got dissed lol j/k, just come down here, we'll melt your igloo rofl

08-19-02, 08:55 PM
well, im in Michigan!

08-19-02, 10:55 PM

Where are you located in MI? If you are anywhere near Lansing - try Michigan State University... I believe they have a really capable Herp. dept. You might even get it a lot cheaper through the Vet. students etc. etc. If they couldn't help you, I know they would at least recommend someone.


Bryan Self
08-20-02, 12:18 AM
It really varries from vet to vet. I have one that comes to my house for $35. Here is a link for you to find a vet in your area if you need it. What makes you think the snake is sick? Up the temps and the humidity. Also make sure the vet does a culture to see what drugs will work. Last just be ready for a long fight depending on what is wrong. I had a boa last year that was on shots for 2 months. Good luck.herp vet connection (http://www.herpvetconnection.com/)

08-20-02, 07:43 PM
Thank you all!! Um, i am not near lansing, so that wont work ,anyways i got an oppointment with a vet today, for tomorrow. And, i know she is sick cause i asked some people on another website and told them her symptoms and they said it was a respritory infection. she has alot of saliva in her mouth, she makes popping noises with her mouth, and she opens her mouth alot, but not in a defensive or mean way, well I G2G. thanx for the advice!

08-21-02, 03:10 PM
she defintley has a Respitory Infection.

08-22-02, 02:30 PM
J.J. Are you in the Detroit area? if you are what vet are you going to?

08-22-02, 02:38 PM
umm, im in Grand Haven/ Muskegon area. Ferrysburg to be exact ( gosh i hate that name, Ferrysburg!!!) I went to Clarke Animal Hospital yesterday to a Dr. William Pals. I wasnt sure if i liked him, but i dunno. Anyways, he gave her two shots for the resp. Infection and he weighed her and stuff. So, she is going to be ok, she gets 1 or 2 more shots tomorrow!!! Poor baby, i think she is really stressed!! :( I love her so much!! Well, i g2g, thanx again everyone!

08-29-02, 05:29 AM
Good luck Kurzix, I'm Still trying to find a vet that treats Reptiles near us. Parkview might I have not checked. Last thing I went there for was to put the ferret to sleep. So I really wasn't in a Questioning mood. :(